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Publications, Presentations, Honors & Awards

Cai, J.; Chen, J.; Hu, Y.; Li, S.; He, Q. 2023. Digital twin for healthy indoor environment: A vision for the post-pandemic era. Front. Eng. Manag. 10: 300-318. DOI: 10.1007/s42524-022-0244-y

Cai, J.; Li, S.; Hu, D.; Xu, Y.; He, Q. 2022. Nationwide assessment of energy costs and policies to limit airborne infection risks in U.S. schools. J. Buid. Eng. 45: 103533. DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2021.103533

Cao, L.; Cox, C.D.; He, Q. 2021. Patterns of syntrophic interactions in methanogenic conversion of propionate. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 105(23): 8937-8949. DOI: 10.1007/s00253-021-11645-9

Chen, C-F., Feng, J., Luke, N., Kuo, C-P, & Fu, J.S. (2022). Localized energy burdens and concentrated disadvantage and the feminization of energy poverty. iScience, 25, 104139.

Chen, C.-F., Dietz, T., Fefferman, N., Greig, J., Cetin, K., Robinson, C., Arpan, L., Schweiker, M., Dong, B., Wu, W., Li, Y., Zhou, H., Wu, J., Wen, J., Fu, J., Hong, T., Yan, D., Nelson, H., Zhu, Y., Li., X., Xie, L., & Fu, R. (2022). Extreme events, energy security and equality through micro and macro levels: Concepts, challenges and methods. Energy Research and Social Science, 85, 102401.

Chen, C.-F., Greig, J., Nelson, H., & Li, F. (2022). When disadvantage collides: The concentrated effects on energy insecurity and internet burdens in the U.S. Energy Research and Social Science, 91, 102713.

Chen, C.-F., Liu, Y., Greig, J., Shen, Z., & Shi, Y. (2022). The impacts of COVID-19 on clean energy labor markets: Evidence from multifaceted analysis of public health interventions and COVID-health factors. Energy Policy, 164, 112880.

Chen, C.-F., Xu, X., Cao, Z. Mockus, A., & Shi, Q. (2023). Analysis of Social-psychological Factors and Financial Incentives in Demand Response and Residential Energy Behavior. Frontiers in Energy Research, 11, 932134.

Chen, C.-F., Xu., X., Adua, L., Briggs, M. Nelson, H. (2022). Exploring the interconnected factors that influence energy use intensity across low-, middle-, and high-income households in the United States. Energy Policy, 168, 113071.

Chen, S.; Wang, Y.; Cheng, H.; Hazen, T.C.; He, C.; He, Q. 2022. Identification of propionate-degrading microbial populations in methanogenic processes for waste treatment: Methanosaeta and Methanoculleus. Environ. Eng. Sci. 39(3): 202-211. DOI: 10.1089/ees.2021.0067

Cianciolo, Charles. “Response of Urban Stream Microbial Community to Storm Events and Urbanization,” in preparation.

Courtney, S., Hyman, A.A., McNeal, K.S., Maudlin, L.C., Armsworth, P.R. 2022. Development of a survey instrument to assess individual and organizational use of climate adaptation science. Environmental Science and Policy, 137, 271-279.

D. Vance, M. Jin*, C. Price, S. U. Nimbalkar, and T. Wenning. “Smart manufacturing maturity models and their applicability: a review.” Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management ahead-of-print, 2023,

D. Vance, M. Jin*, C. Price, S. U. Nimbalkar, and T. Wenning. “Smart manufacturing maturity models and their applicability: a review.” Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management ahead-of-print, 2023,.

D. Zhang, B. Chen, K. Hubacek, J. Meng, M. Sun, J. Mao, M. Jin et al. “Potential impacts of Fukushima nuclear wastewater discharge on nutrient supply and greenhouse gas emissions of food systems.” Resources, Conservation and Recycling 193, 2023.

Dong, W., M. Jin*, P. Kelle, and Y. Wang, “Retrieval Scheduling in Crane-based 3D Automated Retrieval and Storage Systems with Shuttles,” Accepted by Annals of Operations Research, 2021.

Ellis, K. N., J. M. First, K. W. Kintziger, and E. K. Hunter. Overnight heat in sleep spaces of housed and unhoused residents: Results and recommendations from a Knoxville, Tennessee, case study. International Journal of Biometeorology, in review.

Fengxian Chen, Bin Zhou, Liqiong Yang, Xijuan Chen,* Jie Zhuang. 2023. Predicting bacterial transport through saturated porous media using an automated machine learning model. Frontiers in Microbiology, 14, 1152059. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1152059

First, JM, Lee, S., Norris, E., Kintziger, K., Ellis, K. Building community capacity to respond to extreme heat in Knoxville, Tennessee. Journal of Community Practice, in review

Griffin, C., J. Hale, and M. Jin*, “Framework for Assessing Investment Costs of Additive Manufacturing,” Accepted by Progress in Additive Manufacturing, 2022.

H. Sun, Y. Sun, M. Jin, S.A. Ripp, G.S. Sayler, and J. Zhuang*, “Domestic plant food loss and waste in the United States: Environmental footprints and mitigation strategies. Waste Management, 150, pp.202-207, 2022.

Harik, A.-M., Z. Griffiths, and T. C. Hazen. 2022. Omics of Oil Biodegradation. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 36:100800. (5.163, 0).

Hathaway, J.M., E.Z. Bean, J. Bernagros, D. Christian, H. Davani, A. Ebrahimian, C. Fairbaugh, J. Gulliver, L. McPhillips, G. Palino, E. Strecker, R.A. Tirpak, B. van Duin, N. Weinstein, and R.J, Winston (accepted). “A synthesis of climate change impacts on stormwater control measures in the U.S.: Designing for resiliency and future challenges.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment.

Hinenoya, A.; Wang H.; Patrick, E.M.; Zeng, X; Cao, L.; Li, X.-P.; Lindsey, R.L.; Gillespie, B.; He, Q.; Yamasaki, S.; Lin, J. 2022. Longitudinal surveillance and comparative characterization of Escherichia albertii in wild raccoons in the United States. Microbiol. Res. 262: 127109. DOI: 10.1016/j.micres.2022.127109

Horan, Matthew F.; Fulden Batibeniz; Fred Kucharski; Mansour Almazroui; Muhammad Adnan Abid; Joshua S. Fu & Moetasim Ashfaq (2023) Moisture sources for precipitation variability over the Arabian Peninsula. Climate Dynamics. DOI:10.1007/s00382-023-06762-2 [PDF]

Huang, Ruqi; Xinyi Dong; Manqiu Cheng; Yaman Liu; Xuexu Wu; Yuan Liang; Minghuai Wang; Joshua S. Fu & Matthew Tipton (2023) A Plant Species Dependent Wildfire Black Carbon Emission Inventory in Northern Eurasia. Geophysical Research Letters. DOI:10.1029/2023GL104184 [PDF]

J. Zhuang, T. Gill, T., F.E. Löffler, M. Jin, and G.S. Sayler, “Can Food–Energy–Water Nexus Research Keep Pace with Agricultural Innovation?” Engineering, 23, 24-28, 2023.

Jie Zhuang,* Tom Gill, Frank Löffler, Mingzhou Jin, Gary S. Sayler. 2023. Can food-energy-water nexus research keep pace with agricultural innovation? Engineering, 23, 24-28. doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2022.08.014

K. Zhang, X. Li*, M. Jin, “Efficient Solution Methods for A General R-Interdiction Median Problem with Fortification,” INFORM Journal on Computing, 34(2), pp.1272-1290. 2022.

Kuo, C.-P. & Joshua S Fu (2023). Ozone response modeling to NOx and VOC emissions: Examining machine learning models. Environment International. DOI:10.1016/j.envint.2023.107969 [PDF]

L. Feng, G. Chen, S. Zhou, X. Zhou, X., and M. Jin, “An Energy-Efficient Unrelated Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem with Batch Processing and Time-of-Use Electricity Prices. Mathematics, 12(3), p.376. 2024.

Li, J., T.B. Culver, P.P. Persaud, J.M. Hathaway. (2023). “Developing nitrogen removal models for stormwater bioretenton systems.” Water Research. 243(120381).

Li, J.X., Chen, C-F., Walzem, A., Nelson, H., Shuai, C.M. (2022). National goals or sense of community: Exploring social-psychological influence of household solar energy adoption in rural China. Energy Research & Social Science, 89, 102669.

Li, L.; Zhou, L.; Jiang, C.; Liu, Z.; Meng, D.; Luo, F.; He, Q.; Yin, H. 2023. AI-driven pan-proteome analyses reveal insights into the biohydrometallurgical properties of Acidithiobacillia. Front. Microbiol. 14:1243987. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1243987

Liu, N., Xie, F., Lin, Z., & Jin, M. (n.d.). Empirical Estimation of Shortest Route Length along U.S. Interstate Highways Based on Great Circle Distance. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 036119812110152. doi:10.1177/03611981211015251

M. Dai, M. Sun, B. Chen, L. Shi, M. Jin, Y. Man, Z. Liang, C.M.V.B.D. Almeida, J. Li, P. Zhang, A.S. Chiu, A.S., M. Xu, H. Yu, J. Meng and Y. Wang*, “Country-specific net-zero strategies of the pulp and paper industry,” Nature, pp.1-3. 2023

M. Erkoc, H. Gurnani*, S. Ray, and M. Jin, “Quality Investment, Inspection Policy and Pricing Decisions in a Decentralized Supply Chain,” Accepted by Production and Operations Management, 2022.

M. Erkoc, H. Gurnani*, S. Ray, and M. Jin, “Quality Investment, Inspection Policy and Pricing Decisions in a Decentralized Supply Chain,” Production and Operations Management, 32 (1), 2023.

M. Erkoc, H. Gurnani*, S. Ray, and M. Jin, “Quality Investment, Inspection Policy and Pricing Decisions in a Decentralized Supply Chain,” Production and Operations Management, 32 (1), 2023.

Mahalder, B., J.S. Schwartz, A.M. Palomino, and J. Zirkle. 2024. Influence of cumulative effective stream power on scour depth prediction around bridge piers in cohesive material. Transportation Research Board 1-14. doi 10.1177/03611981241230514.

Meng, J.; Huang, J.; Oueslati, R.; Jiang, Y.; Li. S.; Chen, J.; Dai, S.; He, Q.; Wu, J. 2021. A single-step DNAzyme sensor for ultra-sensitive and rapid detection of Pb2+ ions. Electrochim. Acta 368: 137551.DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2020.137551

Micah A. Wyssmann, M.A., J.G. Coder, J.S. Schwartz, and A.N. Papanicolaou. 2024. Atypical turbulent junction flow characteristics upstream of boulders mounted atop a rough, permeable bed and the effects of submergence. Experiments in Fluids.65(9). doi 10.1007/s00348-023-03748-y

Paradis, C. J., J. I. Miller, J.-W. Moon, S. J. Spencer, L. M. Lui, J. D. Van Nostrand, D. Ning, A. D. Steen, L. D. McKay, A. P. Arkin, J. Zhou, E. J. Alm, and T. C. Hazen. 2022. Sustained ability of a natural microbial community to remove nitrate from groundwater. Groundwater 60:99-111. doi:10.1111/gwat.13132. (2.671, 0)

Peng, M., D. Wang, L. M. Lui, T. Nielsen, R. Tian, M. L. Kempher, X. Tao, C. Pan, R. Chakraborty, A. M. Deutschbauer, M. Adams, M. W. Fields, T. C. Hazen, A. P. Arkin, A. Zhou, and J. Zhou. 2022. Genomic features and pervasive negative selection in Rhodanobacter strains isolated from nitrate and heavy metal contaminated aquifer. mSystems 10(1): e02591-2. (6.496, 0)

Persaud, P.P., J.M. Hathaway, B. Kerkez, D.T. McCarthy. (accepted). “Real-time control and bioretention: Implications for hydrology.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment.

Putt, A. D., E. R. Kelly, K. A. Lowe, M. Rodriquez Jr., and T. C. Hazen. 2022. Effects of Cone Penetrometer Testing on Shallow Hydrogeology at a Contaminated Site. Frontiers in Environmental Sciences 9: DOI:10.3389/fenvs.2021.821882. (4.581, 0)

Qian, L.; Yu, X.; Gu, H.; Liu, F.; Fan, Y.; Wang, C.; He, Q.; Tian, Y.; Peng, Y.; Shu, L.; Wang, S.; Huang, Z.; Yan, Q.; He, J.; Liu, G.; Tu, Q.; He, Z. 2023. Vertically stratified methane, nitrogen and sulphur cycling and coupling mechanisms in mangrove sediment microbiomes. Microbiome 11: 71. DOI: 10.1186/s40168-023-01501-5

Qian, L.; Yu, X.; Zhou, J.; Gu, H.; Ding, J.; Peng, Y.; He, Q.; Tian, Y.; Liu, J.; Wang, S.; Wang, C.; Shu, L.; Yan, Q.; Liu, G.; Tu, Q.; He, Z. 2022. MCycDB: a curated database for comprehensively profiling methane cycling processes of environmental microbiomes. Mol. Ecol. Resour. 22(5): 1803-1823. DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.13589

Qixin, Tan; Baozhu Ge; Syuichi Itahashi; Lu Gan; Ying Zhang; Shuyan Xie; Ying Liu; Danhui Xu; et al. (2024). Unexpected high contribution of in-cloud wet scavenging to nitrogen deposition induced by pumping effect of typhoon landfall in China. Environmental Research Communications. DOI:10.1088/2515-7620/acb90b [PDF]

R. Li, M. Jin*, Z. Pei, and D. Wang, “Geometrical Defect Detection on Additive Manufacturing Parts with Curvature Feature and Machine Learning,” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 120(5), pp.3719-3729, 2022.

R. Tang[1], M. Jin *, J. Mao, D.M. Ricciuto, A. Chen, and Y. Zhang, Y., “TSECfire v1. 0: Quantifying Wildfire Drivers and Predictability in Boreal Peatlands Using a Two-Step Error-Correcting Machine Learning Framework,” Accepted by Geoscientific Model Development. 2024.

R. Zhou, Y. Wang, M. Jin*, J. Mao, and X. Zheng, “Coffee Supply Chain Planning under Climate Change,” Accepted by the Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences, 2022.

R. Zhou, Y. Wang, M. Jin*, J. Mao, and X. Zheng, “Coffee Supply Chain Planning under Climate Change,” the Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences, 19, 1-15, 2022.

Rimer, S.P., A. Mullapudi, S.C. Troutman, G. Ewing, B.D. Bowes, A.A. Akin, J. Sadler, R. Kertesz, B. McDonnell, L. Montestruque, J.M. Hathaway, J.L. Goodall, J. Norton, B. Kerkez. (2023). “A simulation sandbox for the development and evaluation of stormwater control algorithms.” Environmental Modeling and Software. 162(105635).

Rubin, Hannah J.; Joshua S. Fu; Frank Dentener; Rui Li; Kan Huang & Hongbo Fu (2023) Global nitrogen and sulfur deposition mapping using a measurement-model fusion approach. Atmospheric Chemisty and Physics. DOI:10.5194/acp-23-7091-2023 [PDF]

S. Zhou, M. Jin*, C. Liu, X. Zheng, and H. Chen, Scheduling a single batch processing machine with non-identical two-dimensional job sizes. Expert Systems with Applications, 201, p.116907, 2022.

S. Zhou, Z. Jia, M. Jin*, and N. Du, Minimizing makespan on parallel batch processing machines with two-dimensional rectangular jobs. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 169, p.108167, 2022.

S. Rezaei, A. Khojandi, A. Haque, C. Brakewood, M. Jin, and C. Cherry, “Performance Evaluation of Mode Choice Models Under Balanced and Imbalanced Data Assumptions,” Accepted by Transportation letters, 2021.

S. Rezaei, A. Khojandi, A.M. Haque, C. Brakewood, M. Jin and C.R. Cherry, Park-and-ride facility location optimization: A case study for Nashville, Tennessee. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 13, p.100578, 2022.

Saha, P., J.M. Hathaway, J.S. Schwartz, C.G. Wilson, B.K. Abban, and A.N. Papanicolaou. (accepted). “Climate change impacts on spatio-temporal soil water extremes in geophysically diverse watersheds: A comparison between east and west Tennessee.” Journal of Hydrologic Engineering.

Scarbrough, K., P. Persaud, A. Akin, J. Hathaway, A. Khojandi. Real-Time Sensor-Based Prediction of Soil Moisture in Green Infrastructure: A Case Study (in preparation)

Scarbrough, K., P. Persaud, I. Fletcher, A.A. Akin, J.M. Hathaway, and A. Khojandi. (2023). “Real-time sensor-based prediction of soil moisture in green infrastructure: A case study.” Environmental modeling and Software. 162(105638).

Scarbrough, K., Persaud, P., Akin, A.A., Hathaway, J.M., A. Khojandi. Real-Time Sensor-Based Prediction of Soil Moisture in Green Infrastructure: A Case Study (under second review at Environmental Modelling and Software).

Sharma, Reena, and Scott C. Lenaghan. “Duckweed: a potential phytosensor for heavy metals.” Plant Cell Reports (2022): 1-13.

Shen, Z., Chen, C.-F., H., Zhou, Fefferman, N. & Shrestha, S. (2023). Community vulnerability is the key determinant of diverse energy burdens in the United States. Energy Research and Social Science, 97, 102949.

Simpson, I. M., and R. J. Winston. “Effects of land use on thermal enrichment of urban stormwater and potential mitigation of runoff temperature by watershed-scale stormwater control measures.” Ecological Engineering, 184, 106792. 2022.

Simpson, I. M., J. S. Schwartz, J. M. Hathaway, and R. J. Winston. “Environmental regulations in the United States lead to improvements in untreated stormwater quality over four decades.” Water Research, 243, 120386. 2023.

Simpson, I. M., R. J. Winston, and J. D. Dorsey. “Monitoring the effects of urban and forested land uses on runoff quality: Implications for improved stormwater management.” Science of The Total Environment, 862, 160827. 2023.

Simpson, I. M., R. J. Winston, R. A. Tirpak, J. D. Dorsey, J. H. Stagge, and J. M. Hathaway. “Hydrologic responses of single land use urban and forested watersheds and their implications to improving urban drainage design.” Journal of Hydrology, 620, 129430. 2023.

Simpson, I.M., J.S. Schwartz, J.M. Hathaway, R.J. Winston. (2023). “Environmental regulations in the United States lead to improvements in untreated stormwater quality over four decades.” Water Research. 243(120386).

Simpson, I.M., R.J. Winston, R.A. Tirpak, J.D. Dorsey, J.H. Stagge, and J.M. Hathaway. (2023). “Hydrologic responses in urban and forested watersheds and their relationship to existing and novel runoff models.” Journal of Hydrology. 620(129430).

Sun, Zhixu; Jiani Tan; Fangting Wang; Rui Li; Xinxin Zhang; Jiaqiang Liao; Yangjun Wang; Ling Huang; Kun Zhang; Joshua S. Fu; L. Li (2024) Regional background ozone estimation for China through data fusion of observation and simulation Science of the Total Environment DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.169411 [PDF]

Swanson, C.S.; Dhand, R.; Cao, L.; Ferris, J.; Elder, C.S.; He, Q. 2022. Microbiome-based source identification of microbial contamination in nebulizers used by inpatients. J. Hosp. Infect. 122: 157-161. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhin.2022.01.008

Swanson, C.S.; Dhand, R.; Cao, L.; Ferris, J.; Elder, C.S.; He, Q. 2023. Microbiome-scale analysis of aerosol facemask contamination during nebulization therapy in hospital. J. Hosp. Infect. 134: 80-88. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhin.2023.01.008

Swanson, C.S.; Williams, J.M.; He, Q. 2023. Risks of exposure to microbial contamination in eyewash stations. Am. J. Infect. Control 51: 838-840. DOI: 10.1016/j.ajic.2022.11.009

T. Cokyasar and M. Jin*, “Additive Manufacturing Capacity Allocation Problem over a Network,” Accepted by IISE Transactions, 2022.

T. Cokyasar and M. Jin*, “Additive Manufacturing Capacity Allocation Problem over a Network,” IISE Transactions, 55(8), 807-820, 2023.

Tipton, Matthew; Terry L Lathem; Joshua S Fu; Michael F Tschantz (2023). Corrigendum: Effectiveness of emissions standards on automotive evaporative emissions in Europe under normal and extreme temperature conditions. Environmental Research Communications (2022 Environ. Res. Commun. 4. 081003). DOI:10.1088/2515-7620/acb6d6 [PDF]

W. Dong and M. Jin*, “Automated Storage and Retrieval System Design with Variant Lane Depths,” European Journal of Operational Research, 314(2), pp.630-646. 2024.

W. Dong, K. Armstrong, M. Jin*, S. Nimbalkar, W. Guo, J. Zhuang and J. Cresko, A framework to quantify mass flow and assess food loss and waste in the US food supply chain. Communications Earth & Environment, 3(1), pp.1-11, 2022.

W. Dong[1] and M. Jin*, “Automated Storage and Retrieval System Design with Variant Lane Depths,” Accepted by European Journal of Operational Research, 2023.

W. Li, M. Jin, and M.R. Galbreth*, “Should original equipment manufacturers authorize third-party remanufacturers?. European Journal of Operational Research, 314(3), pp.1013-1028. 2024.

Wang, Y., Chen, C.-F., Kong, P.-Y., Li, H.S. & Wen, Q.-S. (2022). A Cyber-physical-social perspective on future smart distribution systems. Proceedings of the IEEE, 1-31.

Wang, Y., Mao, J., Hoffman, F. M., Bonfils, C. J. W., Douville, H., Jin, M., Thornton, P. E., Ricciuto, D. M., Shi, X., Chen, H., Wullschleger, S. D., Piao, S., and Dai, Y.: Quantification of human contribution to soil moisture–based terrestrial aridity, Nat. Commun., n.a., Accepted.

Weathers, M.W., J.M. Hathaway, R.A. Tirpak, and A. Khojandi. (2023). “Evaluating the Impact of Climate Change on Future Bioretention Performance Across the Contiguous United States.” Journal of Hydrology. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.128771

Weipeng Liu, Liqiong Yang,* Xijuan Chen, Steven A. Ripp, Mark A. Radosevich, Jie Zhuang.* 2023. Depth-specific transport of bacteriophages MS2 and ФX174 in intact soils. Soil & Tillage Research, 228, 105650. doi: 10.1016/j.still.2023.105650

Whaley, Cynthia H; Kathy S Law; Jens Liengaard Hjorth; Henrik Skov; Stephen R Arnold; et al. (2023). Arctic tropospheric ozone: assessment of current knowledge and model performance. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23, 637-661. [PDF]

Wood-Ponce, R., G. Diab, Z. Liu, R, Blanchette, A. Khojandi, and J.M. Hathaway. (accepted). “Developing Data-Driven Learning Models to Predict Urban Stormwater: A Case Study.” Urban Water Journal.

Wu, B.; Guan, X.; Deng, T.; Yang, X.; Li, J.; Zhou, M.; Wang, C.; Wang, S.; Yan, Q.; Shu, L.; He, Q.; He, Z. 2023. Synthetic denitrifying communities reveal a positive and dynamic biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationship during experimental evolution. Microbiol. Spectr. 11(3): e04528-22. DOI: 10.1128/spectrum.04528-22

Wu, L.; Yang, Y.; Ning, D.; Gao, Q.; Yin, H.; Xiao, N.; Zhou, B.Y.; Chen, S.; He, Q.; Zhou, J. 2023. Assessing mechanisms for microbial taxa and community dynamics using process models. mLife In press. DOI: 10.1002/mlf2.12076

X. Kong, J. Mao*, H. Chen, Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, X. Shi, X., and M. Jin, “Exploring the environmental drivers of vegetation seasonality changes in the northern extratropical latitudes: a quantitative analysis.” Environmental Research Letters, 18(9), p.094071. 2023.

Xiaolong Liang, Mark A. Radosevich, Jennifer Debruyn, Jie Zhuang, Regan W. McDearis, Steven W. Wilhelm. 2024. Incorporating viruses into soil ecology: a new dimension to understand biogeochemical cycling. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 54(2), 117-137. doi: 10.1080/10643389.2023.2223123

Xu, Y.; Chen, J.; Cai, J.; Li, S.; He, Q. 2023. Simulation-based trade-off modeling for indoor infection risk of airborne diseases, energy consumption, and thermal comfort. J. Buid. Eng. 76: 107137. DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2023.107137

Xue, Jin; Fangting Wang; Kun Zhang; Hehe Zhai; Dan Jin; Yusen Duan; Elly Yaluk; Yangjun Wang; Ling Huang; Yuewu Li; Thomas Lei; Qingyan Fu; Joshua S. Fu & Li Li (2023) Elucidate long-term changes of ozone in Shanghai based on an integrated machine learning method. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering. DOI:10.1007/s11783-023-1738-5 [PDF]

Y. Wang, J. Mao*, F. Hoffman, C. Bonfils, H. Douville, M. Jin, P. Thornton, D. Ricciuto, X. Shi, H. Chen, S. Wullschleger, S. Piao, and Y Dai, “Quantification of human contribution to soil moisture–based terrestrial aridity,” Accepted by Nature Communications, 2022.

Y. Wang, J. Mao*, F. Hoffman, C. Bonfils, H. Douville, M. Jin, P. Thornton, D. Ricciuto, X. Shi, H. Chen, S. Wullschleger, S. Piao, and Y Dai, “Quantification of human contribution to soil moisture–based terrestrial aridity,” Nature Communications, 13(1), 1-11, 2022.

Y. Wang, Z. Yu, L. Shen, and M. Jin*, “Operational modes of E-closed loop supply chain considering platforms’ services,” International Journal of Production Economics, p.108551, 2022.

Y. Zhang, C. Song, T. Hwang, K. Novick, J. W. Coulston, J. Vose, M. P. Dannenberg, C. R. Hakkenberg, J. Mao, C. E. Woodcock, 2021. Land cover change-induced decline in terrestrial gross primary production over the conterminous United States from 2001 to 2016. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology [Accepted]

Y. Zhang, J. Mao, D. M. Ricciuto, M. Jin, Y. Yu, X. Shi, S. Wullschleger, R. Tang, and J. Liu. “Global fire modelling and control attributions based on the ensemble machine learning and satellite observations.” Science of Remote Sensing 7, 2023.

Yang, X.; Yu, X.; He, Q.; Deng, T.; Guan, X.; Lian, Y.; Xu, K.; Shu, L.; Wang, C.; Yan, Q.; Yang, Y.; Wu, B.; He, Z. 2022. Niche differentiation among comammox (Nitrospira inopinata) and other metabolically distinct nitrifiers. Front. Microbiol. 13: 956860. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.956860

Yu, X.; Qian, L.; Tu, Q.; Peng, Y.; Wang, C.; Wu, D.; He, Z.; Shu, L.; He, Q.; Tian, Y.; Yin, K.; Wang, S.; Yan, Q.; Zhong, Q.; He, Z. 2023.Chemoautotrophic sulfur oxidizers dominate microbial necromass carbon formation in coastal blue carbon ecosystems. Funct. Ecol. In press. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.14417

Yu, X.; Tu, Q.; Liu, J.; Peng, Y.; Wang, C.; Xiao, F.; Lian, Y.; Yang, X.; Hu, R.; Yu, H.; Qiang, L.; Wu, D.; He, Z.; Shu, L.; He, Q.; Tian, Y.; Wang, F.; Wang, S.; Wu, B.; Huang, Z.; He, G.; Yan, Q.; He, Z. 2023. Environmental selection and evolutionary process jointly shape genomic and functional profiles of mangrove rhizosphere microbiomes. mLife In press. DOI: 10.1002/mlf2.12077

Yuchuan Fan, Jie Zhuang, Michael Essington, Sindhu Jagadamma, John Schwartz, Jaehoon Lee.* 2023. Global significance of substrates for nitrate removal in denitrifying bioreactors revealed by meta-analysis. Engineering, 21(2), 213-225. doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2022.08.017

Yuchuan Fan, Jie Zhuang, Michael Essington, Xi Zhang, Guanghui Hua, Jehangir Bhadha, Shaopan Xia, Xuanyu Lu, Jaehoon Lee.* 2023. Characterizing the role of hydraulic retention time on nitrate removal indices in denitrifying bioreactors in nonlinear models. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 32, 103341. doi:10.1016/j.eti.2023.103431

Yuchuan Fan, Michael Essington, Jie Zhuang, Xi Zhang, Sindu Jagadamma, John Schwartz, Jinsheng Huang, Jehangir Bhadha, Jaehoon Lee.* 2023. Recycling silage leachate and biochar for improving nitrate removal by woodchip bioreactor. Journal of Environmental Management, 345, 118735. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118735

Z. Liu, Y. Xu, M. Jin *, and S. Li, “Disinfection Robots Scheduling and Routing Problem for Healthy Buildings,” Accepted by the Journal of Building Engineering. 2024

Zeng, J.; Pan, Y.; Hu, R.; Liu, F.; Gu, H.; Ding, J.; Liu, S.; Liu, S.; Yang, X.; Peng, Y.; Tian, Y.; He, Q.; Wu, Y.; Yan, Q.; Shu, L.; He, Z.; Wang, C. 2023. The vertically-stratified resistome in mangrove sediments was driven by the bacterial diversity. J. Hazard. Mater. 458: 131974. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2023.131974

Zhai, Hehe; Ling Huang; Chris Emery; Xinxin Zhang; Yangjun Wang; Greg Yarwood; Joshua S. Fu & Li Li (2024) Recommendations on benchmarks for photochemical air quality model applications in China — NO2, SO2, CO and PM10. Atmospheric Environment DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2023.120290 [PDF]

Zhang, J., Wu, J. J., & Chen, L. (2022). Editorial: Advanced Strategies for the Recognition, Enrichment, and Detection of Low Abundance Target Bioanalytes. Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology, 10, 957878.

Zhang, Y., Mao, J., Ricciuto, D.M., Jin, M., Yu, Y., Shi, X., Wullschleger, S., Tang, R. and Liu, J., 2023. Global fire modelling and control attributions based on the ensemble machine learning and satellite observations. Science of Remote Sensing, 7, p.100088.

Zhou, M.; Guan, X.; Deng, T.; Hu, R.; Qian, L.; Yang, X.; Wu, B.; Li, J.; He, Q.; Shu, L.; Yan, Q.; He, Z. 2023. Synthetic phylogenetically diverse communities promote denitrification and stability. Environ. Res. 231: 116184. DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2023.116184

Zhu, G., Giam, X., Armsworth, P.R., Papeş, M. 2022. Biodiversity conservation adaptation to climate change: protecting the actors or the stage. Ecological Applications, in press.

Zhuang, F.; Huang, J.; Li, H.; Peng, X.; Xia, L.; Zhou, L.; Zhang, T.; Liu, Z.; He, Q.; Luo, F.; Yin, H.; Meng, D. 2023. Biogeochemical behavior and pollution control of arsenic in mining areas: A review. Front. Microbiol. 14: 1043024. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1043024

Book chapter:

Ewald Schnug,* Xijuan Chen, Jie Zhuang, S. Haneklaus. 2023. Silent alienation of soils through microplastic in the anthropocene–a constraint for soil productivity? Soil Constraints and Productivity, pp. 133-156, CRC Press, May 28, 2023.

Akin, A., & Hathaway, J. (2023). Smart Stormwater Technologies for Watershed Management. In Tennessee AWRA Symposium. Montgomery Bell State Park.

Chen, Chien-fei, Keynote Speaker, Taiwan-US Net-Zero Justice Transition Workshop—Challenges and Solutions of Improving Equity, Urban Heat and Energy Transition in the Era of Global Boiling, September 11th, 2023, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan.

Community Engagement and Energy and Environmental Justice and their Connection to DEI, February, 17, 2023, NSF Engineering Research Center DEI Director Meeting

Ellis, K. N., J. First, K. Kintziger, and E. Hunter: Beat the heat: Beat the heat: Building adaptive capacity of vulnerable populations in Knox County to combined stressors from climate change and urban heat. GEOSYM. 9 February 2023.

Ellis, K. N., J. First, K. Kintziger, C. Fuhrmann, and E. Hunter: Overnight heat in indoor and outdoor living spaces of Knoxville residents. Annual Meeting of the Southeast Division of the American Association of Geographers. 20 November 2022.

Energy and Internet Insecurity Impacts and Justice, to Industry Program of CURENT, March 3rd, 2023, University of Tennessee

Energy and Internet Insecurity Impacts: A Mixed Methods Approach with Micro and Macro-level Analysis, February 15th, 2023, Department of Architecture Engineering, Penn State University

Energy Justice, Concentrated Disadvantage and Social-Psychological Factors Affecting Technology Adoption on February 28th, 2023, University of Idaho

Energy justice: Exploring the Multidimensionality of Energy and Internet Insecurity by Using a Mixed-methods Approach, March 24th, 2023, School of Public Policy and Environment Affairs, Indiana University.

Fengxian Chen, Bin Zhou, Liqiong Yang, Xijuan Chen, Jie Zhuang. Predicting bacterial transport through saturated porous media using an automated machine learning model. The General Assembly 2023 of European Geosciences Union (EDU), Vienna, Austria, April 23-28, 2023.

First, JM, Lee, S, Norris, E, Kintziger, K, Ellis, K. (2023). Building community capacity to respond to urban extreme heat in Knoxville, Tennessee. Oral presentation at the Natural Hazards Center Annual Workshop, 10 July, 2023

Hathaway, J. (2023). Climate Change Impacts on Stormwater Control Measures: A Summary and Path Forward. In ASCE EWRI Congress.


Hazen, T. C. Invited Webinar. Exxon Valdez vs. Deepwater Horizon and Considerations for Peru Repsol Spill. Online. Lima, Peru. January 27, 2022. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.

Hazen, T. C. Invited Webinar. Repsol Oil Spill in Peru. Online. Lima, Peru. February 8, 2022. National Service of Protected Areas (SERNANP) from the Ministry of Environment (MINAM).

He, Q. (2023). Sourcing Microbial Contamination in Aerosol Facemasks during Nebulized Treatment in the Hospital. Invited presentation at the 2023 Sino-Micro Annual Meeting. Changchun, China.

Huff, J., Watts, J., Khojandi, A., & Hathaway, J. (2023). Deep Temporal Neural Networks for Water Level Predictions of Watershed Systems. In 2023 Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium, SIEDS 2023 (pp. 108-113). doi:10.1109/SIEDS58326.2023.10137869

Huihui Sun, Mark Radosevich, Jaehoon Lee, Jie Zhuang. Adhesion to soil surfaces inhibits bacterial cell-to-cell interactions. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, October 29-November 1, 2023.

Jie Zhuang, A perspective on food-energy-water nexus for net-zero urban system. Goldschmidt 2023, Lyon, France, July 9-14, 2023.

Jie Zhuang. “Food-Energy-Water Nexus for Net-Zero Transition.” AAPRESID Congress 2023, Rosario, Argentina, August 9-11, 2023. (invited Talk)

Jie Zhuang. “Optimizing Food-Energy-Water Nexus for Net-Zero Emission Goal.” The First International Research and Innovation Conference on Education, Engineering and Agriculture, Bacnotan, La Union, Philippine, December 4-6, 2023. (Invited Keynote Talk)

Kintziger, K., J. First, and K. Ellis: Understanding Urban Heat Island Vulnerabilities to Build Adaptive Capacity Among Vulnerable Populations in a Southeastern City. American Meteorological Society’s 14th Conference on Environment and Health. 11 January 2023.

Newberry, H., Chen, S., & He, Q (2023). Dissecting the Microbial Food Web in Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment Processes. In the 32nd Tennessee Water Resources Symposium. Montgomery Bell State Park, TN.

Palino, G., Hathaway, J., & Schwartz, J. (2023). Hydraulic modeling of regenerative stormwater conveyances. In ASCE EWRI Congress. Henderson, NV.

Rubin, H. and Fu, J.S. (2023) Mapping Long-Term Trends in Soil Organic Carbon with Machine Learning. [Poster] Institute for Secure and Sustainable Environment Second Annual Research Conference. University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

Smugor, C., Swanson, C., & He, Q. (2023). Potential of Electrochemical Oxidation for the Removal of Water Contaminants. In the 32nd Tennessee Water Resources Symposium. Montgomery Bell State Park, TN.

Swanson, C., Cianciolo, C., & He, Q. (2023). Microbiome-Scale Identification of Biomarkers in Streams Impacted by Urbanization. In the 2023 Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) Research and Education Conference. Boston, MA.

Swanson, C., Cianciolo, C., & He, Q. (2023). Microbiome-Scale Identification of Potential Microbial Biomarkers in Streams Impacted by Urbanization. In the 32nd Tennessee Water Resources Symposium. Montgomery Bell State Park, TN.

Xijuan Chen, Jie Zhuang. A hydrobiological mechanism controlling the synergistic effects of unsaturated flow and soil organic matter on transport and degradation of EOCs in soils. Goldschmidt 2023, Lyon, France, July 9-14, 2023.

Alshibli, K. A. and Jarrar, Z. (2020) “4D Dynamic Synchrotron Micro Computed Tomography Imaging of Gas-Water Interface at High Pressure and Low Temperature”, ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, in press

Alshibli, K. A., Rawn, C. (2018) “Gas Driven Fracture During Gas Production using 3D Synchrotron Computed Tomography (SMT)”

Cao, L.; Yang, L.; Swanson, C.S.; Li, S.; He, Q. 2021. Comparative analysis of impact of human occupancy on indoor microbiomes. Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. 15(5): 89.

Chen See, J. R., O. Wright, L. V. Unverdorben, N. Heibeck, S. M. Techtmann, T. C. Hazen, and R. Lamendella. 2021. Evaluating the Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing on Streams using Microbial Molecular Signatures.

Chen, S., Y. Zhang, Q. Wu; S. Liu, C. Song, J. Xiao, L. Band, J. Vose, 2021. Vegetation cover change and CO2 fertilization more than offset gross primary productivity decline caused by reduced solar radiation in China from 2001 to 2016. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.

Christian, L.E., T.H. Epps, G. Diab, and J.M. Hathaway (2020). “Pollutant concentration patterns of in-stream urban stormwater runoff.” Water. 12(9): 2534

Cokyasar, T.*, W. Dong, M. Jin, I.O. Verbas, “Designing a Drone Delivery Network with Automated Battery Swapping Machines,” Computers and Operations Research, 129, 105177, 2021.

Crain, Benjamin J., Chad Stachowiak, Patrick F. McKenzie, James N. Sanchirico, Kailin Kroetz, Paul R. Armsworth. Citizens of local jurisdictions enhance plant community preservation through ballot initiatives and voter-driven conservation efforts. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 14 February 2021.

Dannenberg, M. P., Smith, W. K., Zhang, Y., Song, C., Huntzinger, D. N., & Moore, D. J. P. (2021). Large-scale reductions in terrestrial carbon uptake following central Pacific El Niño. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2020GL092367.

Din G., Hassan A., Dunlap J., Ripp S., Shah A.A. 2021. Cadmium tolerance and bioremediation potential of filamentous fungus Penicillium chrysogenum FMS2 isolated from soil. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology

Din G., Hassan A., Rafiq M., Hasan F., Badshah M., Khan S., Chen G., Ripp S., Shah A.A. 2020. Characterization of organic acid producing Aspergillus tubingensis FMS1 and its role in metals leaching from soil. Geomicrobiology Journal 37:336-344.

Dong, W., M. Jin*, P. Kelle, and Y. Wang, “Retrieval Scheduling in Crane-based 3D Automated Retrieval and Storage Systems with Shuttles,” Accepted by Annals of Operations Research, 2021.

Ge, X., M. P. Thorgersen, F. L. Poole II, A. Deutschbauer, J.-M. Chandonia, P. S. Novichkov, S. Gushgari-Doyle, L. M. Lui, T. Nielsen, R. Chakraborty, P. D. Adams, A. P. Arkin, T. C. Hazen. and M. W. Adams. 2020. Characterization of a metal-resistant Bacillus strain with a high molybdate affinity ModA from contaminated sediments at the Oak Ridge Reservation. Front. Microbiol.

Ge, X., M. Thorgersen, F. Poole, A. Deutschbauer, J.-M. Chandonia, P. Novichkov, P. Adams, A. P. Arkin, T. C. Hazen, and M. Adams. 2020. Draft Genome Sequence of Bacillus sp. EB106-08-02-XG196 Isolated from High Nitrate Contaminated Sediment. Microbiol Resour Announc. October 2020 9:e01149-20.

Hale, J. and M. Jin*, “A Conceptual Framework for Witness Builds and Witness Artifacts in Additive Manufacturing,” Accepted by Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2021.

Hu, D.; Zhong, H.; Li, S.; Tan, J.; He, Q. 2020. Segmenting areas of potential contamination for adaptive robotic disinfection in built environments. Build. Environ. 184: 107226.

Jarrar, Z. A., Al-Raoush, R. I., Alshibli, K. A., and Jung, J-W (2020). “Dynamic 3D Imaging of Gas Hydrate Kinetics using Synchrotron Computed Tomography”, 2nd International Conference on Energy Geotechnics (ICEGT-2020), Published online 18 November 2020, E3S Web of Conferences 205, 11004.

Jarrar, Z. A., Al-Raoush, R. I., Alshibli, K. A., and Jung, J-W (2020). “Dynamic Imaging of Hydrate Specific Area Evolution during Xenon Hydrate Formation”, International Conference on Civil Infrastructure and Construction (CIC2020), Feb. 2-5, 2020, Doha, Qatar.

Jarrar, Z., Alshibli, K. A., Al-Raoush, R. I., and Jung, J-W (2020) “3D Measurements of Hydrate Surface Area during Hydrate Dissociation in Porous Media using Dynamic 3D Imaging”, Fuel, Vol. 256.

Kattel, G.; Reeves, J.; Western A.; Zhang, W.; Jing, W.; McGowan, S.; Cuo, L.; Scales, P.; Dowling, K.; He, Q.; Wang, L.; Capon, S.; Pan, Z.; Cui, J.; Zhang, L.; Xiao, L.; Liu, C.; Zhang, K.; Gao, C.; Tian, Z.; Liu, Y. 2021. Healthy waterways and ecologically sustainable cities in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration (northern China): Challenges and future directions. Wiley Interdiscip. Rev.-Water 8(2): e1500. DOI: 10.1002/wat2.1500

Li, R., M. Jin*, and V. Paquit, “Geometrical Defect Detection for Additive Manufacturing with Machine Learning Models,” Accepted by Materials & Design, 2021.

Li, S.; Xu, Y.; Cai, J.; Hu, D.; He, Q. 2021. Integrated environment-occupant-pathogen information modeling to assess and communicate room-level outbreak risks of infectious diseases. Build. Environ. 187: 107394.

Li, S.; Yang, Z.; Hu, D.; Cao, L.; He, Q. 2021. Understanding building-occupant-microbiome interactions toward healthy built environments: a review. Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. 15(4): 65.

Liu, N., F. Xie, Z. Lin*, and M. Jin, “Empirical Estimation of Route Length Along U.S. Interstate Highways Based on Great Circle Distance,” Accepted by Transportation Research Record, 2021.

Liu, Xiangping, Seong-Hoon Cho, Paul R. Armsworth, Daniel J. Hayes, Where and When Carbon Storage Can be Bought Cost Effectively from Private Forest Owners. Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2021, 13 January 2021.

Liu, Z., Y. Wang, M. Jin*, H. Wu, and W. Dong, “Energy Consumption Model for Shuttle-Based Storage and Retrieval Systems,” Journal of Cleaner Production, 282, 124480, 2021.

Lui, L. M., E. L.-W. Majumder, H. J Smith, H. K Carlson, N. S Baliga, F. von Netzer, M. W Fields, D. A Stahl, J. Zhou, T. C. Hazen, P. D Adams, and A. P. Arkin. 2021. Mechanism across scales: a holistic modeling framework integrating laboratory and field studies for microbial ecology. Front. Microbiol. 12:642422.

McKenzie, Patrick F, Gwenllian D Iacona, Eric R Larson, and 3 Paul R Armsworth, Partitioning tree diversity patterns to prioritize conservation investments. Environmental Conservation, 19 January 2021.

Meng, J.; Huang, J.; Oueslati, R.; Jiang, Y.; Li. S.; Chen, J.; Dai, S.; He, Q.; Wu, J. 2021. A single-step DNAzyme sensor for ultra-sensitive and rapid detection of Pb2+ ions. Electrochim. Acta 368: 137551.

Nayfach, S., S. Roux, R. Seshadri, D. Udwary, N. Varghese, F. Schulz, D. Wu, D. Paez-Espino, I-M. Chen, M. Huntemann, K. Palaniappan, J. Ladau, S. Mukherjee, T.B.K. Reddy, T. Nielsen, E. Kirton, J. P. Faria, J. N. Edirisinghe, C. S. Henry, S. P. Jungbluth, D. Chivian, P. Dehal, E. M. Wood-Charlson, A. P. Arkin, S. Tringe, A. Visel, IMG/M Data Consortium, T. Woyke, N. J. Mouncey, N. N. Ivanova, N. C. Kyrpides, E. A. Eloe-Fadrosh. 2020. A Genomic Catalogue of Earth’s Microbiomes. Resource to Nature Biotechnology.

Satinover, S. J., M. Rodriguez, M. F. Campa, T. C. Hazen, and A. P Borole. 2020. Performance and Community Structure Dynamics of Microbial Electrolysis Cells Operated on Multiple Complex Feedstocks. Biotechnology for Biofuels 13:169-169.

Stachowiak, Chad, Benjamin J. Crain, Kailin Kroetz, James N. Sanchirico, Paul R. Armsworth, Protected areas established by local communities through direct democracy encompass habitat for species as effectively as protected areas planned over large spatial scales. Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2020, 19 November 2020

Wang, Y., Yu, Z., Jin, M. and Mao, J., 2021. Decisions and coordination of retailer-led low-carbon supply chain under altruistic preference. European Journal of Operational Research.

Wilpiszeski, R. L., C. M. Gionfriddo, A. M. Wymore, J.-W. Moon, K. A. Lowe, M. L. Podar, S. Rafie, M. W. Fields, T. C. Hazen, X. Ge, F. Poole, M. W. W. Adams, R. Chakraborty, Y. Fan; J. D. Van Nostrand, A. P. Arkin, J. Zhou, and D. A. Elias. 2020. In-field bioreactors demonstrate dynamic shifts in microbial communities in response to geochemical perturbations. PLoS ONE 15(9): e0232437.

Xu T., Young A., Narula J., Sayler G., Ripp S. 2020. High-throughput analysis of endocrine disrupting compounds using BLYES and BLYAS bioluminescent yeast bioassays p29-41. In Ripp S (ed), Methods in Molecular Biology – Bioluminescent Imaging, vol 2081. Humana, New York, NY.

Yang, L., Y. Wang*, R. Wang, J. Klemes, C. Almeida, M. Jin, X. Zheng, and Y. Qiao, Environmental-social-economic Footprints of Consumption and Trade in the Asia-pacific Region, Nature Communications, 11, 2020.

Yang, L., Y. Wang*, R. Wang, J. Klemes, C. Almeida, M. Jin, X. Zheng, and Y. Qiao, “Environmental-social-economic Footprints of Consumption and Trade in the Asia-pacific Region,” Nature Communications, 11(1), 1-9, 2020.

Yu, X.; Zhou, J.; Song, W.; Xu, M.; He, Q.; Peng, Y.; Tian, Y.; Wang, C.; Shu, L.; Wang, S.; Yan, Q.; Liu, J.; Tu, Q.; He, Z. 2021. SCycDB: A curated functional gene database for metagenomic profiling of sulfur cycling pathways. Mol. Ecol. Resour. 21(3): 924-940.

Zhu, Gengping, Monica Papes¸ Xingli Giam, Seong-Hoon Cho, Paul R. Armsworth, Are protected areas well-sited to support species in the future in a major climate refuge and corridor in the United States? Biological Conservation 255 (2021), 12 February 2021.

Zhuang, J., Sun, H., Sayler, G., Kline, K.L., Dale, V.H., Jin, M., Yu, G., Fu, B. and Löffler, F.E., 2021. Food–Energy–Water Crises in the United States and China: Commonalities and Asynchronous Experiences Support Integration of Global Efforts. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(3), pp.1446-1455.

Zhuang, W.; Yu, X.; Hu, R.; Luo, Z.; Liu, X.; Zheng, X.; Xiao, F.; Peng, Y.; He, Q.; Tian, Y.; Yang, T.; Wang, S.; Shu, L.; Yan, Q.; Wang, C.; He, Z. 2020. The diversity, function and assembly of mangrove root-associated microbial communities at a continuous fine-scale. npj Biofilms Microbiomes 6: 52.

Ash, K. T., Y. Li, D. C. Joyner, D. E. Williams, I. Alamilla, P. McKay, B. Green, C. Iler, F. Kara-Murdoch, C. Swift, F. Löffler, and T. C. Hazen. Contributed. Miles Away from Ordinary: Raw Wastewater Surveillance For The Novel Sars-cov-2 Virus On The University Of Tennessee – Knoxville Campus. World Microbe Forum, Online, June 20-24, 2021. American Society for Microbiology and Federation of European Microbiological Societies. World Microbe Forum.

Campa, M. F., J. C. See, L. Unverdorben, O. Wright, K. A. Roth, J. M. Niles, D. Ressler, E. Macatugal, A. Putt, S. M. Techtmann, T. C. Hazen, and R. Lamendella. Contributed. Geochemistry, land coverage, and multiomics data differentiate streams in Pennsylvania based on unconventional oil and gas activity. World Microbe Forum, Online, June 20-24, 2021. American Society for Microbiology and Federation of European Microbiological Societies. World Microbe Forum.

Chakraborty, R., X. Wu, D. C. Joyner, T. C. Hazen, R. G. Malana, A. P. Arkin and P. D. Adams. Invited. Applying Stable Isotopes for Source Fingerprinting of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen in Groundwater. February 23-26, 2020. Washington, DC. 2020 Genomic Sciences Program (GSP) Annual Principal Investigator (PI) Meeting. ORAU.

Dixon, E. R., K. F. Walker, D. Williams, and T. C. Hazen. Contributed. Modeling Dynamic Geochemical Processes: How Diurnal and Seasonal Water Table Fluctuations Influence Contaminated Groundwater Geochemistry. December 10, 2019, San Francisco, CA. AGU Fall Meeting.

Fukai, I., and T. C. Hazen. Contributed. Evaluation of Microbial Biosensors with Applications In Nuclear Arms Nonproliferation. World Microbe Forum, Online, June 20-24, 2021. American Society for Microbiology and Federation of European Microbiological Societies. World Microbe Forum.

Fuqai, Isis and T. C. Hazen. 2020. Biosensors for Detecting Nuclear Production Activity in the Environment. March 12, 2020. Ann Arbor, MI. MTV, University of Michigan.

Griffths, Z., A. Putt, M. Campa, D. Joyner, J. Miller, O. Pelz, N. GaraJayeva, P. Gardinali, and T. C. Hazen. Contributed. Observing the Indigenous Microbial Community Response to Crude Oil Amendment in Aerobic and Anerobic Conditions. World Microbe Forum, Online, June 20-24, 2021. American Society for Microbiology and Federation of European Microbiological Societies. World Microbe Forum.

Gushgari-Dolye, S., A. P. Arkin, L. M. Lui, R. Chakraborty, T. C. Hazen and X. Wu. Contributed. Functional Diversity of Arthrobacter Strains Across the Dynamic Capillary Fringe and Adjacent Sediment Zones. December 16, 2020, San Francisco, CA. AGU Fall Meeting.

Gushgari-Doyle, S., M. O. Yee, J. V. Kuehl, H. J. Smith, M. P. Thorgersen, X. Ge, A. E. Otwell, T. L. Lie, K. A. Hunt, M. W. W. Adams, E. J. Alm, N. S. Baliga, J.-M. Chandonia, A. M. Deutschbauer, D. A. Elias, M. W. Fields, T. C. Hazen, T. R. Northen, A. Mukhopadhyay, G. E. Siuzdak, D. A. Stahl, P. J. Walian, J. Zhou, R. Chakraborty, A. P. Arkin, P. D. Adams. Invited. Targeted Isolation Using Field-Informed Approaches. February 22-24, 2021. Washington, DC. 2021 Genomic Sciences Program (GSP) Annual Principal Investigator (PI) Meeting. ORAU

Harik, A.-M., T. C. Hazen, D. C. Joyner, and S. Rafie. Contributed. Imaging and Analysis of Methanotroph Induced Bioaggregation in Sand. World Microbe Forum, Online, June 20-24, 2021. American Society for Microbiology and Federation of European Microbiological Societies. World Microbe Forum.

Hazen, T. C. Invited. Careers in National Labs. U Mass Amherst online, 5/16/21.

Hazen, T. C. Invited. Environmental Systems Biology: The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts – Team Science. World Microbe Forum, Online, June 20-24, 2021. American Society for Microbiology and Federation of European Microbiological Societies. World Microbe Forum.

Hazen, T. C., E. R. Kelly*, A. Putt, K. Walker, D. C. Joyner, I. Fukai, K. Lowe, M. Rodriguez Jr, M. W. Fields, R. Chakraborty, X. Wu, D. Stahl, T. Lie, M. W. W. Adams, F. Poole, P. J. Walian, J. Zhou, J. V. Nostrand, T. R. Northen, J.-M. Chandonia, A. P. Arkin, and P. D. Adams. Invited. Cone Penetrometer 3-D Characterization of Y-12 Site to Determine the Hydrological, Geological and Biogeochemistry Best Sites for ENIGMA Subsurface Observatories. February 22-24, 2021. Washington, DC. 2021 Genomic Sciences Program (GSP) Annual Principal Investigator (PI) Meeting. ORAU.

Hazen, T. C., I. Fukai, A. P. Arkin, E. Alm, and H. Dulai. Invited. Environmental Surveillance for Biological Traces of Radionuclide Sources. MTV Monthly Seminar, online, 15 May 2021. University of Michigan.

Hunt, K. A., A. E. Otwell, S. Bowman, S. D. Wankel, K. F. Walker, E. R. Dixon, M. Rodriguez, K. A. Lowe, D. C. Joyner, A. Carr, L. Lui, T. Nielsen, N. S. Baliga, T. C. Hazen, D. A. Stahl, A. P. Arkin, P. D. Adams. Invited. Resolving Biotic and Abiotic Controls of Nitrous Oxide Flux in a Subsurface Site Contaminated with High Nitrate Concentrations. February 22-24, 2021. Washington, DC. 2021 Genomic Sciences Program (GSP) Annual Principal Investigator (PI) Meeting.

Hunt, K. A., A. V. Carr, K. F. Walker, E. R. Dixon, M. R. Jr, K. A. Lowe, D. C. Joyner, A. E. Otwell, S. D. Wankel, N. S. Baliga, T. C. Hazen, D. A. Stahl, A. P. Arkin and P. D. Adams. Invited. High nitrous oxide emissions from a nitrate contaminated subsurface indicate significant metabolic activity. February 23-26, 2020. Washington, DC. 2020 Genomic Sciences Program (GSP) Annual Principal Investigator (PI) Meeting.

Joyner, D. C., and T. C. Hazen. Contributed. Managing Your Graduate Career: Guidelines for Success. World Microbe Forum, Online, June 20-24, 2021. American Society for Microbiology and Federation of European Microbiological Societies. World Microbe Forum.

Li, Y., K. Ash, D. C. Joyner, D. E. Williams, C. Iler, I. Alamilla, P. McKay, B. Green, F. Kara-Murdoch, C. Swift, F. Löffler, and T. C. Hazen. Contributed. Decay of SARS-CoV-2 and Pepper Mild Mottle Virus (PMMoV) RNA in raw wastewater to inform application in wastewater-based epidemiology of the University of Tennessee student residential buildings. World Microbe Forum, Online, June 20-24, 2021. American Society for Microbiology and Federation of European Microbiological Societies. World Microbe Forum.

Lui, L. M., H. J. Smith, F. V. Netzer, K. B. D. León, E. L.-W. Majumder, J. V. Kuehl, F. Song, A. Sczesnak, T. Nielsen, M. P. Thorgesen, T. C. Hazen, et al. Invited. Core Values: Spatial Variation in Microbial Function, Activity, and Community Assembly in Groundwater and Sediment from a Contaminated Subsurface Aquifer. February 23-26, 2020. Washington, DC. 2020 Genomic Sciences Program (GSP) Annual Principal Investigator (PI) Meeting. ORAU.

Lui, L. M., T. Nielsen, H. J. Smith, F. V. Netzer, E. L.-W. Majumder, J. V. Kuehl, F. Song, A. Sczesnak, M. P. Thorgesen, X. Ge, F. L. Poole, C. J. Paradis, T. C. Hazen, et al. Invited. A Method for Circularizing Microbial Genomes from Metagenomics Data. February 23-26, 2020. Washington, DC. 2020 Genomic Sciences Program (GSP) Annual Principal Investigator (PI) Meeting. ORAU.

Lui*, L. M., E. L.-W. Majumder*, H. J. Smith*, H. K. Carlson, F. V. Netzer, N. Nielsen, M. Peng, X. Tao, A. Zhou, M. Price, J. V. Kuehl, A. J. Hendrickson, V. Trotter, T. C. Hazen, et al. Invited. Mechanism across scales: integrating laboratory and field studies for microbial ecology as illustrated by the ENIGMA SF. February 22-24, 2021. Washington, DC. 2021 Genomic Sciences Program (GSP) Annual Principal Investigator (PI) Meeting. ORAU.

Miller, J. I., S. M. Techtmann, J. Fortney, N. Mahmoudi, D. C. Joyner, J. Liu, S. Olesen, E. Alm, A, Fernandez, P. Gardinali, N. GaraJayeva, F. S. Askerov and T. C. Hazen. Contributed. Potential for rapid microbial biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in hypoxic marine environments. San Antonio, TX. October 7-9, 2019. International Petroleum Environmental Conference Annual Meeting.

Miller, J. I., Z. Griffiths, S. Techtmann, J. Fortney, N. Mahmoudi, D. Joyner, J. Liu, S. Olesen, E. Alm, A. Fernandez, P. Gardinali, N. GaraJayeva, F. S. Askerov, O. G. Brakstad, O. Pelz, M. Kuijper and T. C. Hazen. Contributed. Microbial Community Structure and Oil Biodegradation in a Hypoxic Marine Environment. May 6, 2020. Dublin, Ireland (online). SETAC SciCon SETAC Europe 30th Annual Meeting.

Needham, D. M., A. Zhang, J.-M. Chandonia, D. Chivian, L. M. Lui, W. Zheng, S. Zhao, Y. Yin, D. A. Weitz, T. C. Hazen, P. S. Novichkov, J. Zhou, E. J. Alm, A. P. Arkin and P. D. Adams. Invited. Integrating data and algorithms from the ENIGMA project into KBase. February 23-26, 2020. Washington, DC. 2020 Genomic Sciences Program (GSP) Annual Principal Investigator (PI) Meeting. ORAU.

Ning, D., Y. F., L. M. Lui, J. P. Michael, Y. Fu, J. D. Van Nostrand, R. Tian, Y. Wang, K. F. Walker, E. R. Dixon, A. D. Putt, D. E. Williams, D. C. Joyner, T. C. Hazen, A. P. Arkin, et al. Invited. Physical size matters in groundwater bacterial community assembly. February 22-24, 2021. Washington, DC. 2021 Genomic Sciences Program (GSP) Annual Principal Investigator (PI) Meeting. ORAU.

Pineda, P., I. Alamilla, A. Salim, A. Putt, and T. C. Hazen. Contributed. Comparison of Bacterial DNA Extraction from Stream Water. World Microbe Forum, Online, June 20-24, 2021. American Society for Microbiology and Federation of European Microbiological Societies. World Microbe Forum.

Putt, A., P. Pineda, I. Alamilla, A. Salim, A. P. Arkin, P. D. Adams, and T. C. Hazen. Contributed. Response of Filterable Microbes to a Beta-Cyclodextrin Injection. World Microbe Forum, Online, June 20-24, 2021. American Society for Microbiology and Federation of European Microbiological Societies. World Microbe Forum.

Rafie, S. A. A., K. P. Hoyt, M. R. Schubert, M. T. Kerr, L. R. Blentlinger, A. M. Faiia, A. Szynkiewicz, J. F. Franklin, S. P. Horn, and T. C. Hazen. Contributed. Soil bacterial response to prescribed fires in a southern Appalachian clear cut with fuel manipulation. World Microbe Forum, Online, June 20-24, 2021. American Society for Microbiology and Federation of European Microbiological Societies. World Microbe Forum.

Salim, A. A., A. Putt, and T. C. Hazen. Invited. Learning and growing as a Scholar: My Experience as an Undergraduate Researcher. April 14, 2020. Knoxville, TN. 1794 UTK Annual Scholars Showcase one of 20 finalists.

Salim, A. A., P. Pineda, I. Alamilla, A. Putt, and T. C. Hazen. Invited. A Novel approach for Characterizing the Ultra-Micro Size-Fraction Community. April 13, 2020. Knoxville, TN. EURēCA Undergraduate UTK Annual Research Meeting.

Serrano Matos, Y., A. Gonzalez, A. Rivera, D. Williams, T. C. Hazen, and G. A. Toranzos. Contributed. Prophage and CRISPR Sequences Detected in Enterococci Isolates from Soils and Waters with Low Anthropogenic Disturbances. November 20-24, 2019, Anaheim, CA. Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) 2019.

Walker, K. F., E. R. Dixon, D. C. Joyner, K. A. Lowe, F. L. Poole, X. Ge, M. P. Thorgersen, D. Ning, Y. Fan, J. P. Michael, Y. Fu, R. Tian, Y. Wang, T. C. Hazen, et al. Invited. Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Groundwater and Sediment: Geochemistry, Microbial Communities and Activities in a Contaminated Aquifer. February 23-26, 2020. Washington, DC. 2020 Genomic Sciences Program (GSP) Annual Principal Investigator (PI) Meeting. ORAU.

Walker, K. F., E. R. Dixon, D. C. Joyner, K. A. Lowe, F. L. Poole, X. Ge, M. P. Thorgersen, D. Ning, Y. Fan, J. P. Michael, Y. Fu, R. Tian, Y. Wang, J. D. V. Nostrand, T. C. Hazen, et al. Contributed. Diurnal and Seasonal Fluctuations with the Subsurface: A 17-Week Survey of Groundwater and Sediment in 27 Contaminated Wells. World Microbe Forum, Online, June 20-24, 2021. American Society for Microbiology and Federation of European Microbiological Societies. World Microbe Forum.

Wang, Y. (Presenter), J. Mao, M. Jin, F. Hoffman. 2020. Developing a Gridded Upscaled Soil Moisture Dataset Using Sparse in situ Observations. AGU Fall Meeting. Online virtual meeting, United States.

Wu, X., D. C. Joyner, T. C Hazen, R. G. Malana, and R. Chakraborty. Invited. Applying Stable Isotopes for Source Fingerprinting of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen in Groundwater. Goldschmidt2020.

Wu, X., L. Lui, Y. Liu, N. Justice, T. Simmons, T. Nielsen, S. Jagadamma, N. J. Hess, T. C. Hazen, A. P. Arkin, and R. Chakraborty. Contributed. Insights into the Depth-resolved Geochemical Constraints on Microbial Community Structure and Metabolic Potential for Carbon Cycling in Shallow Subsurface Sediment. December 10, 2019, San Francisco, CA. AGU Fall Meeting.

Zhang, A., D. M. Needham, A. E. Kazakov, W. Zheng, S. Zhao, Y. Yin, D. A. Weitz, T. C. Hazen, E. J. Alm, N. S. Baliga, et al. Invited. Strain dynamics and functional diversity of 22 high-quality single cell genomes from ENIGMA ground water. February 22-24, 2021. Washington, DC. 2021 Genomic Sciences Program (GSP) Annual Principal Investigator (PI) Meeting. ORAU.

Special Service Award: Terry Hazen, Governor’s Chair for Environmental Biotechnology (CEE)
Many of the college’s leaders took on extra responsibilities beyond their full-time positions this past year for the good of the university and the state. TCE Interim Dean Matthew Mench recognized Terry Hazen for his work chairing a committee on COVID testing for Fall 2020 semester and then establishing weekly wastewater testing for all student residences on campus from early September to the present. Dr. Hazen was also lauded for his high number of citations in academic scholarly papers worldwide.

Research Achievement Award Winner: Joshua Fu, John D. Tickle Professor (CEE)
This award recognizes faculty members who have been tenure-line for more than 10 years and have received national or international recognition in their field. Dr. Fu’s work in the areas of air quality modeling and climate change is nearly encyclopedic in scope. His work includes studies both at the global and regional scales. His work also comprises the full spectrum of atmospheric pollutants, including particulate matter, ozone, dust, nitrogen deposition, carbon black, aerosols, acid deposition, and greenhouse gases, emanating from diverse sources such as industrial emissions, electrical power generation, transportation, forest fires and erosion.

2021 UTK Provost Success in Multidisciplinary Research Award: Healthy Environment Team
The Success in Multidisciplinary Research award is given to a team of faculty members in more than one academic college who have succeeded in gaining major external resources and recognition for multidisciplinary research. The members of this multiciliary team share common interest and have a strong passion to achieve a healthy environment. Their convergent research integrates expertise in environmental engineering, health, infrastructure, human factors, automation, systems engineering, and data science to systematically attack complex health problems. Team members are Team Leader Qiang He (CEE); Shuai Li (CEE); Mingzhou Jin (ISE); Xueping Li (ISE); Jindong Tan (MABE); Nina Fefferman (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology); Tami Wyatt (College of Nursing); and Jun Lin (Department of Animal Sciences).

He, Li, Tan Awarded Best Paper from Building & Environment
Professor Qiang He, Assistant Professor Shuai Li (CEE), and Professor Jindong Tan (MABE) recently won the Best Paper Award from Building and Environment for their paper, Segmenting areas of potential contamination for adaptive robotic disinfection in built environments. The research integrates robotic decontamination and infrastructure design, which could help mitigate the threat of pathogens like COVID-19 in buildings of mass gatherings, such as airports, offices, and restaurants.

A. Chen*, R. Tang[1], J. Mao*, C.Yue, X. Li, M. Gao, X. Shi, M. Jin, D. Ricciuto, S. Rabin, P. Ciais, S. Piao, “Spatiotemporal dynamics of ecosystem fires and biomass burning-induced carbon emissions in China over the past two decades”, Geography and Sustainability, 1(1), 47-58, 2020.

A. Chen*, R. Tang[1], J. Mao*, C.Yue, X. Li, M. Gao, X. Shi, M. Jin, D. Ricciuto, S. Rabin, P. Ciais, S. Piao,“Spatiotemporal dynamics of ecosystem fires and biomass burning-induced carbon emissions in China over the past two decades”, Accepted by Geography and Sustainability, 2020.

C. Wang, Y. Wang*, X. Tong, S. Ulgiati, S. Liang, M. Xu, W. Wei, X. Li, M. Jin, J.Mao, “Mapping potentials and bridging regional gaps of renewable resources in China”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 134, 2020.

Chen, L., Y. Gao, M. Zhang, J. S. Fu, J. Zhu, J. Li, K. Huang+, B. Ge, H-J Lee, X. Wang, H. Liao, Y-F Lam+, C-Y Lin, S. Itahashi, T. Nagashima, M. Kajino, K. Yamaji, Z. Wang, J-I Kurokawa (2019) MICS-Asia III: Multi-model comparison and evaluation of aerosol over East Asia. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 19, 11911–11937.

Cho, M-H, R. Park, J-H Yoon, Y. Choi, J. Jeong, Lev Labzovskii, J. S. Fu, Kan Huang+, S. Jeong, B-M Kim (2019) A missing component of Arctic warming: Black carbon from gas flaring. Environmental Research Letters. 14, 094011.

Chongyang Shen*, Yan Jin, Jie Zhuang, Tiantian Li, Baoshan Xing*. 2020. Role and importance of surface heterogeneities in transport of particles in saturated porous media. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 50(3), 244-329.

Christian, L.E., T.H. Epps, G. Diab, and J.M. Hathaway (2020). “Pollutant concentration patterns of in-stream urban stormwater runoff.” Water. 12(9), 2534;

Dong+, X., J. S. Fu*, K. Huang, Q. Zhu, M. Tipton (2019). Regional Climate Effects of Biomass Burning and Dust in East Asia: Evidence from Modeling and Observation. Geophysical Research Letters. 46, 11,490-11,499.

Dongli Tong, Jie Zhuang, Jaehoon Lee, John Buchanan, Xijuan Chen*. 2019. Concurrent transport and removal of nitrate, phosphate and pesticides in low-cost metal- and carbon-based materials. Chemosphere 230, 84-91.

Dongli Tong, Jie Zhuang, Xijuan Chen*. 2019. Reactive Transport and Removal of Nutrients and Pesticides in Engineered Porous Media. Water, 11 (7), 1316 (total 17 pages).

Gao, M., Z. Han, Z. Tao, J. Li, J.- E. Kang, K. Huang+, X. Dong+, B. Zhuang, S. Li, B. Ge, Q. Wu, H.-J. Lee, C.-H. Kim, J. S. Fu, T. Wang, M. Chin, M. Li, J.-H. Woo, Q. Zhang, Y. Cheng, Z. Wang, and G. R. Carmichael (2020). Air Quality and Climate Change, Topic 3 of the Model Inter-Comparison Study for Asia Phase III (MICS-Asia III), Part II: aerosol radiative effects and aerosol feedbacks. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 20, 1147–1161.

H. Kose, M. Jin*, and T. Peng, “Quality and Productivity Trade-off in Powder-Bed Additive Manufacturing,” Accepted by Progress in Additive Manufacturing, 2020.

H. Kose, M. Jin*, and T. Peng, “Quality and Productivity Trade-off in Powder-Bed Additive Manufacturing,” Accepted by Progress in Additive Manufacturing, 5(2),199-210, 2020.

Huang+, K., J. S. Fu*, N-H Lin, S-H Wang, X. Dong, G. Wang (2019). Superposition of Gobi dust and Southeast Asian biomass burning: the effect of multi-source long-range transport on aerosol optical properties and regional meteorology modification. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres,

Itahashi, S., B. Ge, K. Sato, J. S. Fu, X. Wang, K. Yamaji, T. Nagashima, J. Li, M. Kajino, H. Liao, M. Zhang, Z. Wang, M. Li, J.-I. Kurokawa, G. R. Carmichael, and Z. Wang (2020). MICS-Asia III: Overview of model inter-comparison and evaluation of acid deposition over Asia. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 20, 2667–2693.

J. Shi. R. Wang. W. Chen. L. Xing, M. Jin*, “Bi-objective Design of Household E-Waste Collection with Public Advertising and Competition from Informal Sectors,” Waste Management, 102, 65-75, 2020.

J. Shi. R. Wang. W. Chen. L. Xing, M. Jin*, “Bi-objective Design of Household E-Waste Collection with Public Advertising and Competition from Informal Sectors,” Waste Management, 102, 65-75, 2020.

Jie Zhuang*, Weipeng Liu, Liqiong Yang, Jia Kang, Xiaoming Zhang. 2020. Bioluminescent imaging and tracking of bacterial transport in soils. In S. Ripp (eds.) Bioluminescent Imaging, Methods in Molecular Biology. Humana Press, New York, NY. Vol. 2081, pp. 53-65. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-9940-8_5

Kong, L. X. Tang, J. Zhu, Z. Wang, J. S. Fu, X. Wang, S. Itahashi, K. Yamaji, T. Nagashima, H.-J. Lee, C.-H. Kim, C.-Y. Lin, M. Zhang, Z. Tao, J. Li, M. Kajino, H. Liao, Y. Pan, M. Li, B. Ge, G. R. Carmichael (2020). Evaluation and uncertainty investigation of the NO2, CO and NH3 modeling over China under the framework of MICS-Asia III. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 20, 181–202.

L. Feng, D. Huang, M. Jin*, W. Li, Z. He, A. Yu, “Quality Control Scheme Selection with a Case of Aviation Equipment Development”, Engineering Management Journal, 32(1), 14-25, 2020.

L. Feng, D. Huang, M. Jin*, W. Li, Z. He, A. Yu, “Quality Control Scheme Selection with a Case of Aviation Equipment Development”, Engineering Management Journal, 32(1), 14-25,2020 .

L. Yang, Y. Wang*, R. Wang, J. Klemes, C. Almeida, M. Jin, X. Zheng, and Y. Qiao, “Environmental-social-economic footprints of consumption and trade in the Asia-pacific region”, Nature Communications, 11, 2020.

Lei He, Hetong Wang, Qiang Zhao, Zhibo Cheng, Peidong Tai, Wan Liu. Tomato grafting onto Torubamu (Solanum melongena): miR166a and miR395b reduce scion Cd accumulation by regulating sulfur transport. Plant and Soil, 2020. doi: 10.1007/s11104-020-04564-7

Li, J., T. Nagashima, L. Kong, B. Ge, K. Yamaji, J. S. Fu, X. Wang, Q. Fan, S. Itahashi, H.-J. Lee, C.-H. Kim, C.-Y. Lin, M. Zhang, Z. Tao, M. Kajino, H. Liao, M. Li, J.-H. Woo, J.-I. Kurokawa, Q. Wu, H. Akimoto, G. R. Carmichael, and Z. Wang (2019). Model evaluation and inter-comparison of surface-level ozone and relevant species in East Asia in the context of MICS-ASIA phase III Part I: overview. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 19, 12993–13015.

Li+, L., S. Zhu, J. An, M. Zhou, H. Wang, R. Yan, L. Qiao, C. Huang, X. Tian, L. Shen, J. C. Avise, and J. S. Fu (2019). Evaluation on the effect of regional joint control measures in changing photochemical transformation: A comprehensive study of the optimization scenario analysis. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19, 9037–9060

Lin, W-Y, M-C Hsiao, P-C Wu, J. S. Fu, L-W Lai, H-C Lai (2020). Air Quality and Health Benefits of Electric Vehicle Adoption: Taiwan Case Analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production.

Liqiong Yang, Xijuan Chen, Xiangfeng Zeng, Mark Radosevich, Steven Ripp, Jie Zhuang*, Gary S. Sayler. 2019. Surface-adsorbed contaminants mediate the importance of chemotaxis and haptotaxis for bacterial transport through soils. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10, 2691 (total 14 pages).

Mason, L.R., K.N. Ellis, and J.M. Hathaway. (2019). “Urban Flooding, Social Equity, and “Backyard” Green Infrastructure: An Area for Multidisciplinary Practice.” Journal of Community Practice. 27(3-4): 334-350. (I don’t think this was included last year? Maybe check)

N. Liu, F. Xie, Z. Lin*, and M. Jin, “Evaluating National Hydrogen Refueling Infrastructure Requirement and Economic Competitiveness of Fuel Cell Electric Long-haul Trucks”, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 25, 477-493, 2020.

N. Liu, Z. Lin*, F. Xie, M. Jin, “Evaluating National Hydrogen Refueling Infrastructure Requirement and Economic Competitiveness of Fuel Cell Electric Long-haul Trucks”, Accepted by Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 2019.

Ni, Z. Z., K. Luo, X. Gao, Y. Gao+, J. R. Fan, J. S. Fu, C. H. Chen (2019). Exploring the stratospheric source of ozone pollution over China during the 2016 Group of Twenty summit. Atmospheric Pollution Research, Vol. 10, 4, 1267-1275.

Ni, Z., K. Luo, Y. Gao+, X. Gao, F. Jiang, C. Huang, J. Fan, J. S. Fu, and C. Chen (2020). Elucidating the ozone pollution in Yangtze River Delta region during the 2016 G20 summit for MICS-Asia III. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. (production)

P. Ma, Y. Gong*, M. Jin, “Quality Efforts in Medical Supply Chains Considering Patient Benefits,” European Journal of Operational Research, 279(3), 795-807, 2019

P. Ma, Y. Gong*, M. Jin, “Quality Efforts in Medical Supply Chains Considering Patient Benefits,” European Journal of Operational Research, 279(3), 795-807, 2019

Persaud, P.P., A. Akin, B. Kerkez, D.T. McCarthy, and J.M. Hathaway. (2019). “Real Time Control Schemes for Improving Water Quality from Bioretention Cells.” Blue-Green Systems. 1(1): 55-71.

Pino-Cortes, E., L. Diaz-Robles+, V. Campos, F. Vallejo, F. Cubillos, J. Gomez, F. Cereceda-Balic, J. S. Fu, S. Carrasco, J. Figueroa (2020). Effect of socioeconomic status on the relationship between short-term exposure to PM2.5 and cardiorespiratory mortality and morbidity in a megacity: the case of Santiago de Chile. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health.

Qi Li, Xijuan Chen, Xin Chen, Yan Jin, Jie Zhuang*. 2019. Cadmium removal from soil by fulvic-aided hydroxyapatite nanofluid. Chemosphere, 215, 227-233.

S. Xu, W. Dong, M. Jin*, and Li Wang, “Single-Machine Scheduling with Fixed or Flexible Maintenance,” Accepted by Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2020.

S. Xu, W. Dong, M. Jin*, and Li Wang, “Single-Machine Scheduling with Fixed or Flexible Maintenance,” Computers and Industrial Engineering, 139, 2020.

S. Zhou, M. Jin*, N. Du, “Energy-efficient scheduling of a single batch processing machine with dynamic job arrival times”, Energy, 209, 2020.

Shikha Singh, Yan Sheng, Melanie Mayes, John Stier, John Sorochan, Jie Zhuang, Sindhu Jagadamma*. 2019. Soil carbon accumulation and nutrient availability in managed and unmanaged ecosystems of East Tennessee. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 83 (2), 458-465.

Shuang Xu, Chongyang Shen, Xueyong Zhang, Xijuan Chen, Mark Radosevich, Siqun Wang, Jie Zhuang*. 2020. Mobility of cellulose nanocrystals in porous media: effects of ionic strength, iron oxides, and soil colloids. Nanomaterials, 10(2), 348 (total 15 pages).

Shuang Xu, Xijuan Chen, Jie Zhuang*. 2019. Opposite influences of mineral-associated and dissolved organic matter on the transport of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles through soil and aggregates. Environmental Research, 171, 153-160.

Stowell, J.D., G. Geng, E. Saikawa, H.H. Chang, J. S. Fu, C.-E. Yang+, Q. Zhu+, Y. Liu, M.J. Strickland (2019) Associations of wildfire smoke PM2.5 exposure with cardiorespiratory events in Colorado 2011–2014. Environment International. Vol. 133, 105151.

T. Cokyasar, M. Jin*, A. Garcia, “Optimization of size and timing of base-salary increases”, The Engineering Economist, 64(2), 97-115, 2019. (Featured in IISE Magazine)

Tan+, J., J. S. Fu*, J. H. Seinfeld (2020). Ammonia Emission Abatement Does Not Fully Control Reduced Forms of Nitrogen Deposition. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (PNAS).

Tirpak, R.A., J.M. Hathaway, and J.A. Franklin. (2019). “Investigating the hydrologic and water quality performance of trees in bioretention mesocosms.” Journal of Hydrology. 576: 65-71.

Tirpak, R.A., J.M. Hathaway, J.A. Franklin, and E. Kuehler. (2019). “Suspended Pavement Systems as Opportunities for Subsurface Bioretention.” Ecological Engineering. 134: 39-46.

W. Forbes, J. Mao *, D.M. Ricciuto, S. Kao, X. Shi, A.A. Tavakoly, M. Jin*, et al. “Streamflow in the Columbia River Basin: Quantifying changes over the period 1951-2008 and determining the drivers of those changes,” Water Resources Research, 55(8), 6640-6652, 2019.

W. Forbes, J. Mao *, D.M. Ricciuto, S. Kao, X. Shi, A.A. Tavakoly, M. Jin*, et al. “Streamflow in the Columbia River Basin: Quantifying changes over the period 1951-2008 and determining the drivers of those changes,” Water Resources Research, 55(8), 6640-6652, 2019.

W. Liu, D. Qin, N. Shen, J. Zhang, M. Jin*, N. Xie, J. Chen1, X. Chang, “Optimal pricing for a multi-echelon closed-loop supply chain with different power structures and product dual differences”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 257(1), 2020.

W. Liu, D. Qin, N. Shen, J. Zhang, M. Jin*, N. Xie, J. Chen1, X. Chang, “Optimal pricing for a multi-echelon closed-loop supply chain with different power structures and product dual differences”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 257(1), 2020.

X. Zhang, R. You, Z. Wei, X. Jiang, J. Yang, Y. Pan, P. Wu, Q. Jia, Z. Bao, L. Bai, M. Jin, B. Sumpter, V. Fung, W. Huang, Z. Wu*, “Radical Chemistry and Reaction Mechanisms of Propane Oxidative Dehydrogenation over Hexagonal Boron Nitride Catalysts”, Angewandte Chemie, 132(21), 8119-8123 2020.

X. Zhao, R. Zhang, N. Zhang, Y. Wang, M. Jin, and S. Mou, “Analysis of the Shuttle-Based Compact Storage and Retrieval System,” Accepted by IEEE Access, 2020.

Xiaolong Liang, Jie Zhuang, Frank Löffler, Yingyue Zhang, Jenifer DeBryun, Steven Wilhelm, Sean Schaeffer, Mark Radosevich*. 2019. Viral and bacterial community responses to stimulated Fe(III)-bioreduction during simulated subsurface bioremediation. Environmental Microbiology 21 (6), 2043-2055.

Xiaolong Liang, Mark Radosevich, Frank Löffler, Sean Schaeffer, Jie Zhuang*. 2019. Impact of microbial iron oxide reduction on the transport of diffusible tracers and non-diffusible nanaoparticles in soils. Chemosphere 220, 391-402.

Xiaolong Liang, Regan E Wagner, Jie Zhuang, Jennifer M DeBruyn, Steve W Wilhelm, Fang Liu, Lu Yang, Margaret E Station, Andrew C Sherfy, Mark Radosevich*. 2019. Viral abundance and diversity vary with depth in a southeastern United States agricultural Ultisol. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 137, 107546 (total 11 pages).

Xiaolong Liang, Yingyue Zhang, Eric Wommack, Steven W. Wilhelm, Jennifer M. DeBruyn, Andrew C. Sherfy, Jie Zhuang, Mark Radosevich*. 2020. Lysogenic reproductive strategies of viral communities vary with soil depth and are correlated with bacterial diversity. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 144, 107767 (total 10 pages).

XueyuanBai, Xianfang Zhu, Haibo Jiang, Zhongqiang Wang, Chunguang He, Lianxi Sheng, Jie Zhuang. 2020. Purification effect of sequential constructed wetland for the polluted water in urban river. Water, in press.

Y. Ding, M. Jin, S. Li, and D. Feng*, “Smart logistics based on the internet of things technology: an overview”, Accepted by International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 2020.

Y. Ding, M. Jin, S. Li, and D. Feng*, “Smart logistics based on the internet of things technology: an overview”, Accepted by International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications.

Y. Gong, M. Jin, and Z. Yuan*, “Robotic mobile fulfillment system considering customer classes.” Accepted by International Journal of Production Research, 2020.

Y. Wang*, R. Fan, S. Liang, and M. Jin, “Decisions and Coordination of Green E-Commerce Supply Chain Considering Green Manufacturer’s Fairness Concerns” Accepted by International Journal of Production Research, 2020.

Yingna Xing, Xin Chen, Regan E. Wagner, Jie Zhuang, Xijuan Chen*. 2020. Coupled effect of colloids and surface chemical heterogeneity on the transport of antibiotics in porous media. Science of the Total Environment, 713, 136644.

Z. Liu, Y. Wang, M. Jin*, H. Wu, and W. Dong, “Energy Consumption Model for Shuttle-Based Storage and Retrieval Systems”, Accepted by Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020.

Campa, M. F., Stephen M. Techtmann, Mallory P. Ladd, Jun Yan, Megan Patterson, Amanda Garcia de Matos Amaral, Kimberly E. Carter, Nikea Ulrich, Christopher J. Grant, Robert L. Hettich, Regina Lamendella, Terry C. Hazen (2019). Surface Water Microbial Community Response to the Biocide 2,2-Dibromo-3-Nitrilopropionamide, Used in Unconventional Oil and Gas Extraction. Environmental Microbiology. DOI: 10.1128/AEM.01336-19

Campa, M. F., Wolfe, A. K., Techtmann, S. M., Harik, A. M., & Hazen, T. C. (2019). Unconventional Oil and Gas Energy Systems: An Unidentified Hotspot of Antimicrobial Resistance?. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10, 2392.

S. Xu, W. Dong, M. Jin*, and Li Wang, “Single-Machine Scheduling with Fixed or Flexible Maintenance,” Accepted by Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2020

W. Liu, D. Qin, N. Shen, J. Zhang, M. Jin*, N. Xie, J. Chen1, X. Chang, Optimal pricing for a multi-echelon closed-loop supply chain with different power structures and product dual differences, Accepted by Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020.

L. Feng, D. Huang, M. Jin*, W. Li, Z. He, A. Yu. Quality Control Scheme Selection with a Case of Aviation Equipment Development. Accepted by Engineering Management Journal, 2019.

N. Liu, Z. Lin*, F. Xie, M. Jin, “Evaluating National Hydrogen Refueling Infrastructure Requirement and Economic Competitiveness of Fuel Cell Electric Long-haul Trucks”, Accepted by Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 2019.

W. Forbes, J. Mao *, D.M. Ricciuto, S. Kao, X. Shi, A.A. Tavakoly, M. Jin*, et al. “Streamflow in the Columbia River Basin: Quantifying changes over the period 1951-2008 and determining the drivers of those changes,” Water Resources Research, 55(8), 6640-6652, 2019.

J. Shi. R. Wang. W. Chen. L. Xing, M. Jin*. Bi-objective Design of Household E-Waste Collection with Public Advertising and Competition from Informal Sectors. Waste Management, 102, 65-75, 2020.

P. Ma, Y. Gong*, M. Jin, “Quality Efforts in Medical Supply Chains Considering Patient Benefits,” European Journal of Operational Research, 279(3), 795-807, 2019

T. Cokyasar, M. Jin*, A. Garcia, “Optimization of size and timing of base-salary increases”, The Engineering Economist, 64(2), 97-115, 2019. (Featured in IISE Magazine)

Y. Wang*, Z. Yu, M. Jin, “E-commerce supply chains under capital constraints,” Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 35, 2019.

F. Xie, N. Liu, M. Jin, Z. Ling*, “Impacts of the Consumer Heterogeneity in Fuel Economy Valuation on Compliance with Fuel Economy Standards”, Energy, 177, 167-174, 2019.

D. Vance, S. Nimbalkar*, A. Thekdi, K. Armstrong, T. Wenning, J. Cresko, M. Jin. Estimation of and Barriers to Waste Heat Recovery from Harsh Environments in Industrial Processes. Journal of Cleaner Production, 222, 539-549, 2019.

P. Kelle*, J. Song, M. Jin, H. Schneider, C. Claypool, “Evaluation of operational and environmental sustainability tradeoffs in multimodal freight transportation planning,” International Journal of Production Economics, 209, 411-420, 2019.

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J.B. Oliveira*, M. Jin, R.S. Lima, J.E. Kobza, J.A.B Montevechi, “The role of simulation and optimization methods in supply chain risk management: performance and review standpoints,” Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 92, 17-44, 2019.

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Hazen, T. C., and S. M. Techtmann. 2018. Oil Biodegradation in Deep Marine Basins. In: Steffan R. (eds) Consequences of Microbial Interactions with Hydrocarbons, Oils, and Lipids: Biodegradati4n and Bioremediation. Handbook of Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology. 1-18. Springer, Cham (NA, 24)

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Johnston, E. R.., M. Kim, J. K Hatt, J. R. Phillips, Q. Yao, Y. Song, T. C. Hazen, M. A. Mayes, and K. T. Konstantinidis. 2019. Phosphate addition increases tropical forest soil respiration primarily by deconstraining microbial population growth. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 130:43-54. (4.926, 0)

Johnston, E. R.., M. Kim, J. K Hatt, J. R. Phillips, Q. Yao, Y. Song, T. C. Hazen, M. A. Mayes, and K. T. Konstantinidis. 2019. Phosphate addition increases tropical forest soil respiration primarily by deconstraining microbial population growth. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 130:43-54. (4.926, 0)

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Kimbrel, J., N. Ballor, Y. Wu, M. David, T. C. Hazen, B. Simmons, S. Singer, and J. Jansson. 2018. Microbial Community Adaptations to Saline Conditions Along a Hypersalinity Gradient. Frontiers in Microbiology 9:1492 doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.01492. (4.019, 0).

Koszalinski, R.S., V. Tansakuly, A. Khojandi, X. Li. Missing Data, Data Cleansing and Treatment from a Primary Study: Implications for Predictive Models. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 36(8):367-371, 2018.

Kothari, A. Yu-Wei Wu, J.-M. Chandonia, M. Charrier, L. Rajeev, A. M. Rocha, D. C. Joyner, T. C. Hazen, S. W. Singer, and A. Mukhopadhyay. 2019. Large circular plasmids from groundwater plasmidomes span multiple incompatibility groups and are enriched in multi-metal resistance genes. mBio 10:e02899-18. (6.689, 5).

Kothari, A. Yu-Wei Wu, J.-M. Chandonia, M. Charrier, L. Rajeev, A. M. Rocha, D. C. Joyner, T. C. Hazen, S. W. Singer, and A. Mukhopadhyay. 2019. Large circular plasmids from groundwater plasmidomes span multiple incompatibility groups and are enriched in multi-metal resistance genes. mBio 10:e02899-18. (6.689, 5).

Lewis, AJ; Campa, MF; Hazen, TC; Borole, AP. Unravelling Biocomplexity of Electroactive Biofilms for Producing Hydrogen from Biomass. Microbial Biotechnology. 2018, 11(1), 84-97.

Lewis, A. J., M. F. Campa, T. C. Hazen, and A. P. Borole. 2018. Unraveling Biocomplexity of Electroactive Biofilms for Producing Hydrogen from Biomass. Microbial Biotechnology DOI: 10.1111/1751-7915.12756. (3.913, 10).

W. Liu, W. Ma, Y. Hu, M. Jin*, K. Li, X. Chang, X. Yu, “Production planning for stochastic manufacturing/remanufacturing system with demand substitution using a hybrid ant colony system algorithm,” Journal of Cleaner Production, 213, 999-1010, 2019.

P. Ma, Y. Gong, M. Jin, “Quality Efforts in Medical Supply Chains Considering Patient Benefits,” Accepted by European Journal of Operational Research, 2019

Marietou, A., R. Chastain, F. Beulig, A. Scoma, T. C. Hazen, and D. H. Bartlett. 2018. Corrigendum: The Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on Enrichments of Hydrocarbon Degrading Microbes From the Gulf of Mexico Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Frontiers in Microbiology 9: (1050). doi:10.3389/fmicb.2018.01050. (4.019, 6).

Marietou, A., R. Chastain, F. Beulig, A. Scoma, T. C. Hazen, and D. H. Bartlett. 2018. The effect of hydrostatic pressure on enrichments of hydrocarbon degrading microbes from the Gulf of Mexico following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Frontiers in Microbiology 9: DOI:10.389/fmcb.2018.00808. (4.019, 1).

Marietou, A., R. Chastain, F. Beulig, A. Scoma, T. C. Hazen, and D. H. Bartlett. 2018. The effect of hydrostatic pressure on enrichments of hydrocarbon degrading microbes from the Gulf of Mexico following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Frontiers in Microbiology 9: DOI:10.389/fmcb.2018.00808 04/11/18. (4.019, 0).

Marietou, A., R. Chastain, F. Beulig, A. Scoma, T. C. Hazen, and D. H. Bartlett. 2018. Corrigendum: The Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on Enrichments of Hydrocarbon Degrading Microbes From the Gulf of Mexico Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Frontiers in Microbiology 9: (1050). doi:10.3389/fmicb.2018.01050. (4.019, 0).

Miller, J. I., S. M. Techtmann, J. Fortney, N. Mahmoudi, D. Joyner, J. Liu, S. Olesen, E. Alm, A. Fernandez, P. Gardinali, N. GaraJayeva, F. S. Askerov, and T. C. Hazen. 2019. Oil Hydrocarbon Degradation by Caspian Sea Microbial Communities. Front. Microbiol. 10:995. Doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.00995. (4.019, 0)

Miller, J. I., S. M. Techtmann, J. Fortney, N. Mahmoudi, D. Joyner, J. Liu, S. Olesen, E. Alm, A. Fernandez, P. Gardinali, N. GaraJayeva, F. S. Askerov, and T. C. Hazen. 2019. Oil Hydrocarbon Degradation by Caspian Sea Microbial Communities. Front. Microbiol. 10:995. Doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.00995. (4.019, 0)

Moon, J.-W., C. J. Paradis, D. C. Joyner, F. von Netzer, E. L. Majumder, E. Dixon, M. Podar, G. Xiaoxuan, P. J. Walian, H. J. Smith, X. Wu, G. M. Zane, K. S. Walker, M. P. Thorgersen, F. L. Poole II, L. Lui, B. G. Adams, K. B. De León, S. S. Brewer, D. E. Williams, K. A. Lowe, M. Rodriguez, Jr., T. L. Mehlhorn, S. M. Pfiffner, R. Chakraborty, A. P. Arkin, J. D. Wall, M. W. Fields, M. W. W. Adams, D. A. Stahl, D. A. Elias and T. C. Hazen. 2019. Integrated characterization of subsurface media from locations up- and down-gradient of a uranium-contaminated aquifer J. bioRxiv DOI:

Nie, Q., W. Hu, B. Huang, X. Shu, and Q. He. 2019. Synergistic utilization of red mud for flue-gas desulfurization and fly ash-based geopolymer preparation. J. Hazard. Mater. 369: 503-511. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2019.02.059

J.B. Oliveira, M. Jin, R.S. Lima, J.E. Kobza, J.A.B Montevechi, “The role of simulation and optimization methods in supply chain risk management: performance and review standpoints,” Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 92, 17-44, 2019.

Paradis, C. J., E. R. Dixon, L. M. Lui, A. P. Arkin, J. C. Parker, J. D. Istok, E. Perfect, L. D. McKay, and T. C. Hazen. 2019. Improved method for estimating reaction rates during push-pull tests. Groundwater (1.900, 2)

Paradis, C. J., L. D. McKay, E. Perfect, J. D. Istok, and T. C. Hazen. 2019. Correction: Push-pull tests for estimating effective porosity: expanded analytical solution and in situ application Hydrogeology Journal 27:437–439. DOI 10.1007/s10040-018-1879-y. (2.071, 0)

Paradis, C. J., J.-W. Moon, D. A. Elias, L. D. McKay, and T. C. Hazen. 2018. In situ decay of polyfluorinated benzoic acids under anaerobic conditions. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology (2.284, 0)

Paradis, C. J., L. D. McKay, E. Perfect, J. D. Istok, and T. C. Hazen. 2018. Push-pull tests for estimating effective porosity: expanded analytical solution and in situ application. Hydrogeology Journal 26:381–393. DOI 10.1007/s10040-017-1672-3. (2.071, 3)

Paradis, C. J., J.-W. Moon, D. A. Elias, L. D. McKay, and T. C. Hazen. 2018. In situ decay of polyfluorinated benzoic acids under anaerobic conditions. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology (2.284, 0).

Paradis, C. J., L. D. McKay, E. Perfect, J. D. Istok, and T. C. Hazen. 2019. Correction: Push-pull tests for estimating effective porosity: expanded analytical solution and in situ application Hydrogeology Journal 27:437–439. DOI 10.1007/s10040-018-1879-y. (2.071,0).

Paradis, C. J., E. R. Dixon, L. M. Lui, A. P. Arkin, J. C. Parker, J. D. Istok, E. Perfect, L. D. McKay, and T. C. Hazen. 2019. Improved method for estimating reaction rates during push-pull tests. Groundwater doi:10.1111/gwat.12770. (1.900, 2)

Ramshani, M., A. Khojandi, X. Li, O. Omitaomu. Optimal Planning of the Joint Placement of Photovoltaic Panels and Green Roofs Under Climate Change Uncertainty, Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 2018 (forthcoming).

Ramdhani, R.A., A. Khojandi, O. Shylo, B.H. Kopell. Optimizing Clinical Assessments in Parkinson’s Disease Through the Use of Wearable Sensors and Data Driven Modeling. Frontiers In Computational Neuroscience, 12:72, 2018.

Ribicic, D., R. Netzer, T. C. Hazen, S. M. Techtmann, F. Drabløs, and O. Brakstad. 2018. Microbial community and metagenome dynamics during biodegradation of dispersed oil in cold seawater reveals potential key-players. Marine Pollution Bulletin 129:370-378. (3.241, 4).

Ribicic, D., R. Netzer, T. C. Hazen, S. M. Techtmann, F. Drabløs, and O. Brakstad. 2018. Microbial community and metagenome dynamics during biodegradation of dispersed oil in cold seawater reveals potential key-players. Marine Pollution Bulletin 129:370-378. (3.241, 4).

Smith, H. J., A. J. Zelaya, K. B. De León, R. Chakraborty, D. A. Elias, T. C. Hazen, A.P. Arkin, A.B. Cunningham and M. W. Fields. 2018. Flow and Mixing Zones in the Shallow, Terrestrial Subsurface: Potential Effects on Biofilm Dynamics. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 94(12):16 fiy191, (3.495, 1)

Smith, H. J., A. J. Zelaya, K. B. De León, R. Chakraborty, D. A. Elias, T. C. Hazen, A.P. Arkin, A.B. Cunningham and M. W. Fields. 2018. Flow and Mixing Zones in the Shallow, Terrestrial Subsurface: Potential Effects on Biofilm Dynamics. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 94(12):16 fiy191, (3.495, 2)

Tirpak, R.A., J.M. Hathaway, J.A. Franklin, A. Khojandi. The Health of Trees in Bioretention: A Survey and Analysis of Influential Variables. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 4(4):04018011, 2018.

R. Andrew Tirpaka, Jon M.Hathaway, Jennifer A.Franklin, Eric Kuehler, 2019. Suspended pavement systems as opportunities for subsurface bioretention. Ecological Engineering, 134: 39-46 (

Ulrich, K; Kirchner, V; Drucker, R; Wright, J; McLimas, C; Hazen, T; Campa, MF; Grant, C; Lamendella, R. Response of Aquatic Bacterial Communities to Hydraulic Fracturing in Northwestern Pennsylvania: A Five-Year Study. Scientific Report. 2018, 8 (1) 5683.

Ulrich, N., V. Kirchner, R. Drucker, J. Wright, C. McLimans, T. C. Hazen, M. F. Campa, C. Grant, and G. Lamendella. 2018. Response of Aquatic Bacterial Communities to Hydraulic Fracturing in Northwestern Pennsylvania: A Five-Year Study. Nature Scientific Reports 8, 5683-5683. (4.122, 2).

Ulrich, N., V. Kirchner, R. Drucker, J. Wright, C. McLimans, T. C. Hazen, M. F. Campa, C. Grant, and G. Lamendella. 2018. Response of Aquatic Bacterial Communities to Hydraulic Fracturing in Northwestern Pennsylvania: A Five-Year Study. Nature Scientific Reports 8: 5683-5683. (4.122, 5).

van Wyk, F., Y. Wang, A. Khojandi, N. Masoud. Real-Time Sensor Anomaly Detection and Identification in Automated Vehicles, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2019, (forthcoming).

van Wyk, F., A. Khojandi, R. Kamaleswaran. Improving Prediction Performance Using Hierarchical Analysis of Real-Time Data: A Sepsis Case Study, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 23(3): 978-986, 2019.

van Wyk, F., A. Khojandi, A. Mohammad, E. Begoli, R.L. Davis, R. Kamaleswaran. A Minimal Set of Physiomarkers in Continuous High Frequency Data Streams Predict Adult Sepsis Onset Earlier, International Journal of Medical Informatics, 122:55-62, 2019.

van Wyk, F., A. Khojandi, B. Williams, D. MacMillan, R.L. Davis, D. Jacobson, R. Kamaleswaran. A Cost-Benet Analysis of Automated Physiological Data Acquisition Systems Using Data-Driven Modeling. Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research, 1-19, 2018.

D, Vance, S. Nimbalkar*, A. Thekdi, K. Armstrong, T. Wenning, J. Cresko, M. Jin, “Estimation of and Barriers to Waste Heat Recovery from Harsh Environments in Industrial Processes,” Journal of Cleaner Production, 222, 539-549, 2019.

Adriano Vinca, Simon Parkinson, Edward Byers, Peter Burek, Zarrar Khan, Volker Krey, Fabio A. Diuana, Yaoping Wang, Ansir Ilyas, Alexandre C. Köberle, Iain Staffel, Stefan Pfenninger, Abubakr Muhammad, Andrew Rowe, Roberto Schaeffer, Narasimha D. Rao, Yoshihide Wada, Ned Dhilali, and Keywan Riahi. The Nexus Solutions Tool (NEST): An open platform for optimizing multi-scale energy-water-land system transformations. Geoscientific Model Development, 12, 677-698, 2019. (

Y. Wang*, Z. Yu, M. Jin, “E-commerce supply chains under capital constraints,” Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 35, 2019.

Mengru Wang, Ting Tang, Peter Burek, Petr Havlik, Tamas Krisztin, Carolien Kroeze, David Leclere, Maryna Strokal, Yoshihide Wada, Yaoping Wang, Simon Langan. (In Revision, 2019). Increasing nitrogen export by the Indus river. Science of the Total Environment.

Wei, H., J. Shi, X. Yang, J. Wang, K. Li, and Q. He. 2018. CCl4-enhanced ultrasonic irradiation for ciprofloxacin degradation and antibiotic activity. Water Environ. Res. 90(7): 579-588. DOI: 10.2175/106143017X15131012153077

Wilt, C., T. Ezzell, E. Wittenburg. 2018. Hurdles to Healthcare Overcoming Health Access Barriers in Haywood County, Tennessee, Report prepared for Haywood County, Tennessee.

Woo, H. L. and T. C. Hazen. 2018. Enrichment of bacteria from Eastern Mediterranean Sea involved in lignin degradation via the phenylacetyl-CoA pathway. Frontiers in Aquatic Microbiology doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.00922. (4.019, 1).

Woo, H. L. and T. C. Hazen. 2018. Enrichment of bacteria from Eastern Mediterranean Sea involved in lignin degradation via the phenylacetyl-CoA pathway. Frontiers in Aquatic Microbiology doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.00922. (4.019, 0).

Wu, X., L. Wu, Y. Liu, P. Zhang, Q. Li, J. Zhou, N. Hess, T. C. Hazen, and R. Chakraborty. 2018. Microbial interactions with dissolved organic matter drive carbon dynamics and community succession in groundwater. Frontiers in Microbiology doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.01234. (4.019, 5).

Wu, X., L. Wu, Y. Liu, P. Zhang, Q. Li, J. Zhou, N. Hess, T. C. Hazen, and R. Chakraborty. 2018. Microbial interactions with dissolved organic matter drive carbon dynamics and community succession in groundwater. Frontiers in Microbiology doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.01234. (4.019, 0).

Wu, L., D. Ning, B. Zhang, Y. Li, Q. He, et al. 2019. Global diversity and biogeography of bacterial communities in wastewater treatment plants. Nat. Microbiol. DOI: 10.1038/s41564-019-0426-5

F. Xie, N. Liu, M. Jin, Z. Liu*, “Impacts of the Consumer Heterogeneity in Fuel Economy Valuation on Compliance with Fuel Economy Standards”, Energy, 177, 167-174, 2019.

Yang, T., L. Sheng, Y. Wang, K. N. Wyckoff, C He, and Q. He. 2018. Characteristics of cadmium sorption by heat-activated red mud in aqueous solution. Sci. Rep. 8: 13558. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-31967-5

Yang, X.-Y., H. Wei, K.-B. Li, Q. He, J.-C. Xie, and J.-T. Zhang. 2018. Iodine-enhanced ultrasound degradation of sulfamethazine in water. Ultrason. Sonochem. 42: 759-767. DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2017.12.045

Yang, T., Q. He, C. He, A. Wang, and L. Sheng. 2018. Effect of planting and fertilization on lead partitioning in dredged sediment. Ecotoxicology 27(1): 69-80. DOI: 10.1007/s10646-017-1871-7

Yao, Q, Z. Li, Y. Song, S. J. Wright, X, Guo, A. Biswas, S. G. Tringe, T. C. Hazen, B. L. Turner, M. Mayes, and C. Pan. 2018. Community Proteogenomics Reveals the Systemic Impact of Phosphorus Availability on Microbial Functions in Tropical Soil. Nature Ecology and Evolution 1-11. (NA, 8)

Young, B. N., J. M. Hathaway, W. A. Lisenbee, and Q. He. 2018. Assessing the runoff reduction potential of highway swales and WinSLAMM as a predictive tool. Sustainability 10(8): 2871. DOI: 10.3390/su10082871

Zelaya, A. J., A. E. Parker, K. L. Bailey, P. Zhang , J. Van Nostrand, N. Daliang, D. A. Elias, J. Zhou, T. C. Hazen, and M. W. Fields. 2019. High spatiotemporal variability of bacterial diversity over short time scales with unique geohydrochemistry associations within a shallow, pristine aquifer. Water Research 164:114917.

Sarah E. Eichler Inwood and Virginia H. Dale. 2019. State of apps targeting management for sustainability of agricultural landscapes. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 39:8 (

W. Forbes, J. Mao, D.M. Ricciuto, S. Kao, X. Shi, A.A. Tavakoly, M. Jin, et al. “Streamflow in the Columbia River Basin: Quantifying changes over the period 1951-2008 and determining the drivers of those changes,” Accepted by Water Resources Research.

Mason, Lisa Reyes, Jennifer Erwin, Aaron Brown, Kelsey N. Ellis, and Jon M. Hathaway. 2018. Health Impacts of Extreme Weather Events: Exploring Protective Factors with a Capitals Framework. Journal of Evidence-Informed Social Work 15:5: 579-593 (DOI: 10.1080/23761407.2018.1502115).

Paradis, C. J., L. D. McKay, E. Perfect, J. D. Istok, and T. C. Hazen. 2018. In situ characterization of hydraulic conductivity and effective porosity utilizing single-well testing methods. Hydrogeology Journal 26: 381–393. DOI 10.1007/s10040-017-1672-3.

He, Z., P. Zhang, L. Wu, A. M. Rocha, Q. Tu, Z. Shi, Y. Qin, J. Wang, D. Curtis, D. Ning, J. D. Van Nostrand, L. Wu, Y. Yang, D. A. Elias, D. B. Watson, M. W. W. Adams, M. W. Fields, E. J. Alm, T. C. Hazen, P. D. Adams, A. P. Arkin, and J. Zhou. 2018. Microbial functional genes predict groundwater contamination and ecosystem functioning. mBio 9:e02435-17.

Qiuming Yao, Zhou Li, Yang Song, S. Joseph Wright, Xuan Guo, Susannah G. Tringe, Malak M. Tfaily, Ljiljana Paša-Tolić, Terry C. Hazen, Benjamin L. Turner, Melanie A. Mayes & Chongle Pan. 2018. Community proteogenomics reveals the systemic impact of phosphorus availability on microbial functions in tropical soil. Nature Ecology & Evolution (doi:10.1038/s41559-017-0463-5).

T. Cokyasar, W. Dong, M. Jin, Network Optimization For Hybrid Last-mile Delivery With Trucks and Automated Drones, INFORMS 2019, Seattle, WA.

M. Jin, W. Dong, Y. Wang, Scheduling For Order Picking in 3D AS/RS, INFORMS 2019, Seattle, WA.

H. Kose, M. Jin, Quality and Productivity Trade-off in Powder-bed Additive Manufacturing, , INFORMS 2019, Seattle, WA.

Y. Wang, M. Jin, A. Muhammad, J. Mao, Y. Zhu, L. Tang, L, Liu, B. Liu, X. Zhang, A Scalable Modeling Framework for the Sustainability of the Global Crop Supply Chain focusing on U.S.-China Interactions, AGU 2019, San Francisco, CA.

N. Liu, Z. Lin, F. Xie, and M. Jin “Evaluating National Hydrogen Refueling Infrastructure Requirement and Economic Competitiveness of Fuel Cell Electric Long-Haul Trucks”, TRB 2020, Washington, DC.

M. Jin, “Strategic Adoption Decision of Additive Manufacturing for Low-Volume Demand”, Seminar at City University of Hong Kong, November 2019, Hong Kong.

M. Jin, “Strategic Adoption Decision of Additive Manufacturing for Low-Volume Demand”, Seminar at University of Texas, Austin, October 2019, Austin, TX.

W. Dong and M. Jin, “Food Waste and Loss in the US”, November, 2019, Hong Kong.

M. Jin, “Data Revolution to Fill The Global-Global FEWS Gap”, 13th Annual US – China, Eco-Environmental Symposium, October, 2019, Seattle, WA.

M. Jin, “Coupled FEWS Modeling for Sustainability of the Global Crop Supply Chain”, 13th Annual US – China, Eco-Environmental Symposium, October, 2019, Seattle, WA.

J. Hathaway, “Stormwater Research Update ‘Smart’ Stormwater,” presented to Tennessee Stormwater Association – September 2020

J. Hathaway, “Tree Function in Stormwater Biofilters: The Green in Green Infrastructure, presented to the University of Minnesota stormwater seminar series, January 2020

J. Hathaway, “Rainfall Interception of Urban Trees in the Knoxville Area,” presented to the USFS Urban Forest Connections Webinar, August 2019

J. Hathaway, “Stormwater Goes Green? Investigating the Benefit and Health of Urban Trees in Green Infrastructure,” presented as Guest Lecture at University of Georgia, October 2019

Mingzhou Jin
Professor Mingzhou Jin, Industrial & Systems Engineering, received the 2020 Chancellor’s Research and Creative Achievement Award, which recognizes tenured faculty members who have received national and international recognition in their field, to stimulate research and creative achievement, and to emphasize that faculty research and creative achievement are integral to the mission of the University of Tennessee.
Dr. Jin was also honored with the 2020 Tickle College of Engineering Research Achievement Award. His research focuses on operations research and its application in sustainability, transportation and logistics, supply chain, additive and smart manufacturing, and climate science. Jin’s research has been published in multiple high impact journals and is widely supported through grants and contracts from a broad spectrum of federal, local government agencies, and corporations including NSF, DOE, ORNL, Y12, Argonne, TDOT, America Makes, FedEx, Nissan, and the Material Handling Industry, among others.

Joshua S. Fu
Joshua S. Fu is the John D. Tickle Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. This year he was named a Board Certified Environmental Engineering Member, American Academy of Environmental Engineers & Scientists; Vice Chair of the Scientific Leadership Team and Steering Committee, Measurement-Model Fusion for Global Total Atmospheric Deposition (MMF-GTAD) Initiative, World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Geneva, Switzerland; Advisor to the Advanced R&D Advisory Committee for the President’s Office, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan; and Member, Distinguished Lecturer Committee, Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP).

Terry Hazen
Terry Hazen is one of 16 honored by the 2021 American Society for Microbiology (ASM), which recently announced recipients of awards in research, education, and leadership. Hazen was recognized for the ASM Award for Environmental Research, which honors an outstanding scientist with distinguished research achievements that have improved our understanding of microbes in the environment, including aquatic, terrestrial, and atmospheric settings.
The ASM Awards program is managed by the American Academy of Microbiology, whose mission is to recognize microbiologists for outstanding contributions to the microbial sciences and to provide microbiological expertise in the service of science and the public.

Jon Hathaway
ISSE Affiliate and CEE Associate Professor Jon Hathaway is the newest associate editor for the Journal of Environmental Engineering. The journal, published by the American Society of Civil Engineering, shares info on research in environmental engineering science, systems engineering, and sanitation. Hathaway will contribute with his expertise in urban hydrology and green infrastructure.

Hathaway Wins Best Case Study Award from ASCE

Professor Hathaway’s recent paper, “Establishing a Framework for the Spatial Identification of Effective Impervious Areas in Gauged Basins: Review and Case Study,” published in the Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, was recently awarded Best Case Study by the journal. Co-authored with CEE alumnus Thom Epps (PhD ’18), the paper reviews existing methods to quantify and identify the impervious areas in a watershed that are most detrimental to stream health—Effective Impervious Areas (EIA)—and proposes a new model framework that builds on these methodologies to offer an automated and objective way to spatially identify the most probable impervious areas comprising the EIA.

Erin Arcipowski, John Schwartz, Lisa Davenport, Meghan Hayes, and Tracy Nolan. 2017. Clean Water, Clean Life: Promoting Healthier, Accessible Water in Rural Appalachia. Universities Council on Water Resources, Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education 161: 1-18.

Z. Zhang, R.J.C. Chen, L. Han, and L. Yang. 2017. Key Factors Affecting the Price of Airbnb Listing: A Geographically Weighted Approach. Sustainability 9: 1635-1648 (

Abban, B., A.N. Papanicolaou, C.P. Giannopoulos, D.C. Dermisis, K.M. Wacha, C.G. Wilson, and M. Elhakeem. 2017. Quantification of change in soil surface roughness at the raindrop detachment zone as a function of rainfall intensity under flatbed preconditions. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics. In press.

Elhakeem, M., A.N. Papanicolaou, C.G. Wilson. 2017. Implementing streambank erosion control measures in meandering streams: Design procedure enhanced with numerical modeling. International Journal of River Basin Management (DOI: 10.1080/15715124.2017.1315816)

Firoozfar, A.R., L.J. Weber, A.N. Papanicolaou, A. Craig, and T. Lyons. Rockscour in hydraulic laboratory analog scour models. Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research. In press. (2017).

Hernandez-Murcia, O.E., D.J. Schnoebelen, A.N. Papanicolaou, and B.K.B. Abban. 2017. Coupling flow with nutrient dynamics via BioChemFOAM in the Mississippi River. Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research. Feb 21:1-23.

Liu, Y., T. Stoesser, H. Fang, A.N. Papanicolaou, and A.G. Tsakiris. 2017. Turbulent flow over an array of boulders placed on a rough permeable bed. Computers & Fluids. (DOI: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2017.05.023)

Papanicolaou, A.N. 2017. Following the Water Drop: 60 Years of the Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 143(5) (

Papanicolaou, A.N., F. Bressan, J.F. Fox, L. Kjos, R. Ettema, and C. Kramer. 2017. Scour around a barb in a gravel-bed stream: Effects of submergence. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. In press.

Papanicolaou, A.N., and A.G. Tsakiris. 2017. Chapter 2: Boulder effects on turbulence and bedload transport. In: D. Tsutusmi and J.B. Laronne. Gravel-Bed Rivers: Process and Disasters. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 33-71.

Papanicolaou, A.N., C.G. Wilson, A.G. Tsakiris, T. Sutarto, F. Bertrand, M. Rinaldi, S. Dey, and E. Langendoen. 2017. Understanding mass fluvial erosion along a bank profile: using PEEP technology for quantifying retreat lengths and identifying event timing. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. (DOI: 10.1002/esp.4138)

Abban, B., A.N. Papanicolaou, M.K. Cowles, C.G. Wilson, O. Abaci, K. Wacha, K.E. Schilling, and D. Schnoebelen. 2016. An enhanced Bayesian fingerprinting framework for studying sediment source dynamics in intensively managed landscapes. Water Resources Research 52(6):4646-4673 (DOI: 10.1002/2015WR018030)

Elhakeem, M., A.N. Papanicolaou, and A.G. Tsakiris. 2016. A probabilistic model for sediment entrainment: The role of bed irregularity. International Journal of Sediment Research 32(2): 137-14 (DOI:10.1016/j.ijsrc.2016.11.001)

Papanicolaou, A.N., and B.K.B. Abban. 2016. Chapter 65: Channel Erosion and Sediment Transport. In Chow, V.T. (ed.). Handbook of Applied Hydrology. McGraw-Hill.

Sarkar, S., A.N. Papanicolaou, and S. Dey. 2016. Turbulence in gravel-bed stream with an array of large gravel obstacles. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001191, 04016052)

Uchida, T., S. Fukuoka, A.N. Papanicolaou, and A.G. Tsakiris. 2016. Non-hydrostatic, quasi 3D model coupled with dynamic rough wall law for simulating flow over rough bed with submerged boulders. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001198, 04016054)

Wilson, C.G., K.M. Wacha, A.N. Papanicolaou, H.A. Sander, V.B. Freudenberg, B.K.B. Abban, and C. Zhao. 2016. Assessing sustainability of current management practices in an intensively managed landscape. Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education 158:148-171.

D.H. Yoon and R.J.C. Chen. 2017. A Green Shadow: the Influence of Hotel Customers’ Environmental Concern, Knowledge, and Education Level on Green Marketing Skepticism and Behavioral Intentions. Tourism Analysis 22(3): 281-293.

D.K. Poisson and R.J.C. Chen. 2017. Operating Sustainable Meal Plans and Food Places: Factors Influencing College Students’ Dining Choices and Preferences. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 15(1): 19-30.

J. Sun, J. S. Fu, K. Huang, J. A. Lynch, and Y. Gao. 2017. Climate-driven exceedance of total (wet + dry) nitrogen (N) + sulfur (S) deposition to forest soil over the conterminous US. Earth’s Future 5(6): 560-576 (doi: 10.1002/2017EF0005).

J. Sun, J. S. Fu, J. B. Drake, J-F Lamarque, S. Tilmes, and F. Vitt. 2017. Improvement of the prediction of surface ozone concentration over conterminous U.S. by a computationally efficient second-order Rosenbrock solver in CAM4-Chem. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 9(1): 482-500 ( doi: 10.1002/2016MS000863).

S. Galmarini, B. Koffi, E. Solazzo, T. Keating, C. Hogrefe, M. Schulz, A. Benedictow, J. J. Griesfeller, G. Janssens-Maenhout, G. Carmichael, J. Fu, and F. Dentener. 2017. Technical note: Coordination and harmonization of the multi-scale, multi-model activities HTAP2, AQMEII3, and MICS-Asia3: simulations, emission inventories, boundary conditions, and model output formats. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17(2): 1543-1555 (doi:10.5194/acp-17-1543-2017).

B. C. Langford, C.R. Cherry, D. R. Bassett, E. C. Fitzhugh, and N. Dhakal. 2017. Comparing physical activity of pedal-assist electric bikes with walking and conventional bicycles. Journal of Transport & Health (doi:

Jiang Liu, Stephen M. Techtmann, Hannah L. Woo, Daliang Ning, Julian L. Fortney and Terry C. Hazen. 2017. Rapid Response of Eastern Mediterranean Deep Sea Microbial Communities to Oil. Scientific Reports 7:5762

J. Tan, J. S. Fu, K. Huang, C.-E. Yang, and J. Sun. 2017. Effectiveness of SO2 emission control policy on power plants in the Yangtze River Delta, China–Post-assessment of the 11th five-year plan. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24(9): 8243-8255 (doi: 10.1007/s11356-017-8412-z).

S. Chen, H. C. Cheng, J. Liu, T. C. Hazen, V. Huang and Q. He. 2017. Unexpected competitiveness of Methanosaeta populations at elevated acetate concentrations in methanogenic treatment of animal wastewater. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 101:1729-1738.

T. Liu, G. Zhuang, K. Huang, J. Lin, Q. Wang, C. Deng, and J. S. Fu. 2017. A typical formation mechanism of heavy haze-fog induced by coal combustion in an inland city in north-western China. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 17: 98-107 (doi:10.4209/aaqr.2016.04.0143).

S. Galmarini, B. Koffi, E. Solazzo, T. Keating, C. Hogrefe, M. Schulz, A. Benedictow, J. J. Griesfeller, G. Janssens-Maenhout, G. Carmichael, J. S. Fu, and F. Dentener. 2017. Coordination and harmonization of the multi-scale, multi-model activities HTAP2, AQMEII3, and MICS-Asia3: simulations, emission inventories, boundary conditions, and model output formats. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17: 1543-1555 (doi:10.5194/acp-17-1543-2017).

R. H. Chakraborty, H. Woo, P. Dehal, R. Walker, M. Zemla, M. Auer, L. A. Goodwin, A. Kazakov, P. Novichkov, A. P. Arkin and T. C. Hazen. 2017. Complete genome sequence of Pseudomonas stutzeri strain RCH2 isolated from a Hexavalent Chromium Cr(VI) contaminated site. Standards in Genomic Sciences 12:9.

Alex J. Lewis, Maria F. Campa, Terry C. Hazen and Abhijeet P. Borole. 2017. Unravelling biocomplexity of electroactive biofilms for producing hydrogen from biomass. Microbial Biotechnology.

P. Zhang, Z. L. He, J. D. Van Nostrand, Y. J. Qin, Y. Deng, L. Y. Wu, Q. C. Tu, J. J. Wang, C. W. Schadt, M. W. Fields, T. C. Hazen, A. P. Arkin, D. A. Stahl and J. Z. Zhou. 2017. Dynamic Succession of Groundwater Sulfate-Reducing Communities during Prolonged Reduction of Uranium in a Contaminated Aquifer. Environmental Science & Technology 51:3609-3620.

H. L. Woo, K. M. DeAngelis, H. Teshima, K. Davenport, H. Daligault, T. Erkkila, L. Goodwin, W. Gu, C.-C. Lo, C. Munk, M. Scholz, Y. Xu, P. Chain, D. Bruce, C. Detter, R. Tapia, C. Han, B. A. Simmons and T. C. Hazen. 2017. High Quality Draft Genome Sequences of Four Lignocellulose-degrading Bacteria from Puerto Rican Forest Soil- Gordonia sp., Paenibacillus sp., Variovorax sp., and Vogesella sp. Genome Announcement 4.

S. M. Techtmann, M. Zhuang, P. Campo-Moreno, E. Holder, M. Elk, T. C. Hazen, R. Conmy, and J. W. Santo Domingo. 2017. COREXIT 9500 enhances oil biodegradation and changes microbial community structure of oil-enriched microcosms. Applied Environmental Microbiology.

Andrew J. King, Sarah P. Preheim, Kathryn L. Bailey, Michael S. Robeson, Taniya Roy Chowdhury, Bryan R. Crable, Richard A. Hurt, Tonia Mehlhorn, Kenneth A. Lowe, Tommy J. Phelps, Anthony V. Palumbo, Craig C. Brandt, Steven D. Brown, Mircea Podar, Ping Zhang, W. Andrew Lancaster, Farris Poole, David B. Watson, Matthew W. Fields, John-Marc Chandonia, Eric J. Alm, Jizhong Zhou, Michael W. W. Adams, Terry C. Hazen, Adam P. Arkin and Dwayne A. Elias. 2017. Temporal Dynamics of In-Field Bioreactor Populations Reflect the Groundwater System and Respond Predictably to Perturbation. Environmental Science and Technology 51:2889.

L. R. Mason, J. M. Hathaway, K. N. Ellis, and T. Harrison. 2017. Public interest in microclimate data in Knoxville, Tennessee, USA. Sustainability 9 (1): 23 (doi:10.3390/su9010023)

L. R., Mason, K. N. Ellis, and J. M. Hathaway. 2017. Experiences of urban environmental conditions in socially and economically diverse neighborhoods. Journal of Community Practice (doi: 10.1080/10705422.2016.1269250)

Cherry, C, D. Costinett, and P. Frymier. 2017. Differences of cycling experiences and perceptions between e-bike and bicycle users in the United States. The 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

Hazen, T. C. 2017. Is the Solution to Pollution Dilution i.e. Intrinsic Remediation? Oil Spills, Solvents, Metals, and Radionuclides (OH MY!!!!). University of Tennessee Honors Faculty Lecture Series, Chancellor’s Honors Program.

Chakraborty, R., X. Wu, T. C. Hazen, Y. Liu, N. Hess, M. W. Fields, P. Zhang, L. Wu, J. Zhou, Q. Li, W. Yang, A. P. Arkin and P. D. Adams. 2017. Microbial Interactions with Natural Organic Matter Extracted from the Oak Ridge FRC. 2017 Genomic Sciences Program Annual PI Meeting.

Ling, F., J. Friedman, S. Zhao, M. B. Smith, A. M. Rocha, C. J. Paradis, J. Zhou, T. C. Hazen, E. J. Alm, A. P. Arkin and P. D. Adams. 2017. Microbes at the blurred boundary of natural and built environments. 2017 Genomic Sciences Program Annual PI Meeting.

Ning, D., J. Zhou, Z. He, P. Zhang, J. D. Van Nostrand, L. Wu, R. Tian, E. J. Alm, T. C. Hazen, D. Elias, M. W. Fields, M. W. W. Adams, R. Chakraborty, D. Stahl, J. Wall, A. P. Arkin and P. D. Adams. 2017. Stress mediates relative importance of deterministic and stochastic assembly in groundwater microbial communities. 2017 Genomic Sciences Program Annual PI Meeting.

Tan, J. and J. S. Fu. 2017. Long-range Transport of Fine Particles and the Impact on Human Health–Case Study in North America. 110th Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Air & Waste Management Association, June 5-8, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

Tan, J., J. S. Fu, and Huang, K. 2017. Updated Impact of Boundary Conditions on Simulating O3 concentration. 110th Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Air & Waste Management Association, June 5-8, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

Paradis, C. J., T. C. Hazen, A. P. Arkin and P. D. Adams. 2017. Exposure History Dependence of Microbial Mediated Substrate Transformation Rates in Groundwater. 2017 Genomic Sciences Program Annual PI Meeting.

Smith, H. J., A. Zelaya, I. Miller, D. Joyner, T. C. Hazen, M. W. Fields, A. P. Arkin and P. D. Adams. 2017. Temporal Variability and Microbial Activity in Groundwater Ecosystems. 2017 Genomic Sciences Program Annual PI Meeting.

von Netzer, F., D. Gorman-Lewis, E. Shock, S. Turkarslan, C. E. Arens, A. W. Thompson, N. S. Baliga, A. Zhou, J. Zhou, A. Aaring, R. Chakraborty, J. W. Moon, D. Elias, D. C. Joyner, T. C. Hazen, H. Smith, M. Fields, F. Poole, M. W. W. Adams, H. Carlson, A. Deutschbauer, D. Vuono, K. Meinhardt, D. A. Stahl, A. P. Arkin and P. D. Adams. 2017. Understanding the thermodynamic Foundations of microbial Growth Efficiencies in the Lab and Field. 2017 Genomic Sciences Program Annual PI Meeting.

Yang, C.-E., J. Mao, F. M. Hoffman, D. M. Ricciuto, and J. S. Fu. 2017. Uncertainty Quantification of Extratropical Forest Biomass in CMIP5 Models over the Northern Hemisphere. Fourth Santa Fe Conference on Global & Regional Climate Change, February 5-10, Santa Fe, NM, USA.

Dong, X., J. S. Fu, J. Sun, and Q. Zhu. 2017. Analysis of the Impact of Wind-blown Dust on Solar Power Generation with Atmospheric Modeling. 110th A&WMA Annual Conference & Exhibition, June 5-8, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

Sun, J. and J. S. Fu. 2017. Spatial distribution of global nitrogen deposition and its exceedance in US: From present to future. 110th Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Air & Waste Management Association, June 5-8, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

Hazen, T. C. 2017. ENIGMA Project: Lab to Field and Back – Environmental System Microbiome. 2017 DOE TES/SBR Joint Investigators Meeting

Mayes, M. A., Y. Song, Q. Yao, C. Pan, T. C. Hazen, X. Yang, G. Wang, Z. Li, A. Biswas, B. Turner, S. J. Wright, S. G. Tringe and P. Thornton. 2017. Linking Meta-omics with the Microbial ENzyme Decomposition Model. 2017 DOE TES/SBR Joint Investigators Meeting.

Campa, M. F., S. M. Techtmann, C. Gibson, M. L. Patterson, A. Garcia de Matos Amaral, R. Lamendella and T. C. Hazen. . 2017. The Impacts of the Biocide Glutaraldehyde on Community Structures and Degradation Potential in Streams Impacted by Hydraulic Fracturing. American Society for Microbiology Microbe 2017.

Harik, A., S. M. Techtmann and T. C. Hazen. 2017. Water Swap: Control of Geochemistry Versus Microbial Community Composition on Hydrocarbon Degradation. American Society for Microbiology Microbe 2017.

T. C. Hazen. 2017. Phenotypic Microarray Provides Functional Verification of Genotype. American Society for Microbiology Microbe 2017.

M. F. Campa and T. C. Hazen. 2017. Phenotypic Microarray for Fracking studies. American Society for Microbiology Microbe 2017

T. C. Hazen. 2017. Environmental Justice and Disposal of Toxic Waste. Integrating Environment and Health, 17th National Conference and Global Forum on Science, Policy and the Environment.

06/2017—Maria F. Campa (student of ISSE’s Dr. Hazen) gave her outstanding abstract award at the American Society for Microbiology Microbe 2017 annual meeting in New Orleans. Read the abstract here.

04/2017—ISSE Director Terry Hazen, Governor’s Chair Professor for Environmental Biotechnology, delivered an invited plenary talk for more than 500 scientists at the Bolger Conference Center in Potomac, Maryland, on April 25 during the 2017 DOE TES/SBR Joint Investigators Meeting. Hazen spoke on the “ENIGMA Project: Lab to Field and Back — Environmental System Microbiome.”

01/2017—T. C. Hazen. Invited Symposia. Environmental Justice and Disposal of Toxic Waste. January 24, 2017. Washington, D.C. Integrating Environment and Health, 17th National Conference and Global Forum on Science, Policy and the Environment.

2017TN129B – Evaluation of Fecal Indicators and Pathogens at Recreational Beaches in Central Tennessee. Conference Proceedings: Todd A.C., J. Jatko, D. Chan, M. Stallard and F. Bailey, 2018, Presence of Fecal Bacteria and Associated Pathogens at Recreational Freshwater Beaches in Tennessee, USA, “in” Proceedings 39th Annual meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Sacramento, CA. November 4-8, 2018.

2017TN129B – Evaluation of Fecal Indicators and Pathogens at Recreational Beaches in Central Tennessee. Stallard, Megan, 2019. Factors that Influence the Presence of Fecal Indicator Bacteria from Three Potential Exposure Pathways, “PhD Dissertation” Department of Biology and Molecular Biosciences, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN. pp. 158.

2017TN132B – Examining Sediment Rating Curves Hysteresis with State-of-the-Art Sensors. Conference Proceedings: Wyssmann, M.A., A.N. Papanicolaou, T. Kyriakopoulos,2018. Particle resting times: Modeling the role of turbulence. In Proceedings of the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Washington, D.C., December 10-14, 2018.

2017TN133B – Field study of Spatiotemporal Variability in Bedload Transport in Mountainous Boulder Arrayed Streams for Development of a Mechanistic Model. Articles in Refereed Scientific Journals: Papanicolaou, A.N., A.G. Tsakiris, M.A. Wyssmann, and C.M. Kramer. 2018. Boulder Array Effects on Bedload Pulse and Depositional Patches. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 123. DOI:10.1029/2018JF004753.

2017TN133B – Field study of Spatiotemporal Variability in Bedload Transport in Mountainous Boulder Arrayed Streams for Development of a Mechanistic Model. Conference Proceedings: Wyssmann, M.A., and Papanicolaou, A.N. 2018. Lagrangian Modeling of Bedload Movement via the Impulse Entrainment Method. In Proceedings River Flow 2018, EDP Sciences, 0541,doi:10.1051/e3sconf/20184005041.

2018TN136B – Three-Dimensional Modeling of River Flows Under Extreme Weather Scenarios. Other Publications: Roy, S.,J.R. Bathi.2019, Decision Supporting Hydrodynamic Modeling of Tennessee River, 28th Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, Tennessee Section of the American Water Resources Association, Nashville, TN. April 10-12, 2019 (Poster).

2018TN136B – Three-Dimensional Modeling of River Flows Under Extreme Weather Scenarios. Conference Proceedings: Bathi, J.R., S. Tareq, S. Palchoudary, 2019, Detection and Treatability of Nanomaterial in Surface Waters, In Proceedings of the 28th Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, Tennessee Section of the American Water Resources Association, Nashville, TN. pp. 8A41-45.

2018TN135B – Low-cost Real-time Streamflow Network for Falling Water River Watershed. Conference Proceedings: Kalyanapu, A.J., A. Davis. 2019, Developing an Early Warning System for Floods for Window Cliffs State Natural Area, Putnam County, Tennessee, In Proceedings of the 28th Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, Tennessee Section of the American Water Resources Association, Nashville, TN. pp. 5C 13-17.

K. Huang and J. S. Fu. 2016. A global gas flaring black carbon emission rate dataset during 1994-2012. Nature-Scientific Data 3:160104 (doi:10.1038/sdata.2016.104).

R. Khatri, C. Cherry, S. Nambisan, and L. Han. 2016. Modeling route choice of bikeshare users with GPS data. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2587 (doi: 10.3141/2587-17).

M.-T Chuang, J. S. Fu, C.-T. Lee, N.-H. Lin, Y. Gao, S.-H. Wang, G.-R. Sheu, T.-C. Hsiao, J.-L. Wang, M.-C. Yen, T.-H. Lin, and N. Thongboonchoo. 2016. Simulating the long-range transport biomass burning plume approaching a high-mountain observatory in East Asia during the 7-SEAS/2010 Dongsha Experiment. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 16: 2933-2949 (doi: 10.4209/aaqr.2015.07.0440).

Christopher G. Wilson, Kenneth M. Wacha, A.N. (Thanos) Papanicolaou, Heather A. Sander, Violet B. Freudenberg, Benjamin K.B. Abban, and Chang Zhao. 2016. Dynamic assessment of current management in an intensively managed agroecosystem. Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education 158: 148-171.

Jian Sun, Joshua Fu, and Kan Huang. 2016. Organic nitrates and other oxidized nitrogen compounds contribute significantly to the total nitrogen depositions in the United States.In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, published ahead of print July 20, 2016 (DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1608717113).

Kristy Keel-Blackmon, Scott Curran, and Melissa Lapsa. June 2016. Summary of OEM Idling Recommendations from Vehicle Owner’s Manuals. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL/TM -2016/ 50.

T. C. Hazen, R. C. Prince, and N. Mahmoudi. 2016. Marine Oil Bioremediation. Feature Article. Environ. Sci. Technol. (DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b03333)

C. J. Paradis, S. Jagadamma, D. B. Watson, L. D. McKay, T. C. Hazen, M. Park, and J. D. Istok. 2016. In situ mobility of uranium in the presence of nitrate following sulfate-reducing conditions. J. Cont. Hydro. (DOI 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2016.02.002)

Yang, C.-E., J. Mao, F. M. Hoffman, D. M. Ricciuto, and J. S. Fu. 2016. Uncertainty Quantification of Extratropical Forest Biomass in CMIP5 Models over the Northern Hemisphere. 2016 AGU Fall Meeting, December 12-16, San Francisco, CA, USA.

Sun, J., J. S. Fu, K. Huang, J. A. Lynch, and Y. Gao. 2016. Exceedance of Combined Total (Wet + Dry) Nitrogen and Sulfur Depositions at Forest Soil over Conterminous US in a Changing Climate. Poster at 2016 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, December 12-16, San Francisco, California, USA.

Cherry, C, D. Costinett, and P. Frymier. 2016. E-bikes in China and E-bikes in North America. Keynote, Light Electric Vehicle Symposium. Barcelona, Spain, September 20-21, 2016 (invited).

Tan, J. and J. S. Fu. 2016. Using Response Surface Model for Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution (HTAP). 15th Annual CMAS Conference, October 24-26, Chapel Hill, NC, USA.

Cherry, C, D. Costinett, and P. Frymier. 2016. Traditional and Emerging Approaches for Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety and Mobility. USDOT OST-R Transportation Innovation Speaker Series. October 19, 2016 (with Shashi Nambisan).

Cherry, C, D. Costinett, and P. Frymier. 2016. The role of LEVER to generate electric bike research. Bicycle Product Supplier Association E-bike Summit, December 7, 2016 (invited).

Cherry, C, D. Costinett, and P. Frymier. 2016. Big data binds new insights in bicycle safety analysis: An application of CyclePhilly data to assess wrong-way riding. 10th University Transportation Centers Spotlight Conference on Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety, Washington D.C.

ISSE’s Dr. Rachel Chen (Director,Center for Sustainable Business and Development) was invited by the Tennessee Department of Tourist Development to present the findings of the Tennessee Welcome Centers project, “You got a friend in Me! How Tennessee Welcome Centers Can Work for You,” at the 2016 Tennessee Governor’s Conference on Hospitality and Tourism in Chattanooga on September 22, 2016.

Kristy Keel-Blackmon, with ISSE’s East Tennessee Clean Fuels, gave presentations to approximately 60 Scott High School students on May 3, 2016. The presentations served as a review of the students’ energy and natural resources requirements and also introduced students to information about alternative fuels and vehicles.

Kristy Keel-Blackmon, with ISSE’s East Tennessee Clean Fuels, presented in the air quality session at the 45th Annual Environmental Show of the South in Gatlinburg, TN, on 4/22/16. The presentation covered the expanded use of propane-powered mowers and lawn equipment in recent years, case studies from across the state, and the monetary and emissions reduction benefits gained from using this fuel.

ISSE Researcher Jon Hathaway gave a presentation on April 14, 2016 at the Baker Center Energy and Environment Forum. His topic was “Sustainable Urban Water and the Rise of Green Infrastructure.”

On February 19, 2016, ISSE Director Terry Hazen gave a webinar to 12-grade science students at Lincoln International Academy in Managua, Nicaragua about the Deepwater Horizon oil spill

A. N. (T) Papanicolaou, K. M. Wacha, B. K. Abban, C. G. Wilson, J. L. Hatfield, C. O. Stanier, and T. R. Filley. 2015. From soilscapes to landscapes: A landscape-oriented approach to simulate soil organic carbon dynamics in intensively managed landscapes. Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences 120: 2375–2401 (DOI:10.1002/2015JG003078)

K. N. Ellis, J. M. Hathaway, L. R. Mason, D. A. Howe, T. H. Epps, and V. M. Brown. 2015. Summer temperature variability across four urban neighborhoods in Knoxville, Tennessee, USA. Theoretical and Applied Climatology (DOI:10.1007/s00704-015-1659-8)

A.F. Billings, J. L. Fortney, T. C. Hazen, B. Simmons, K. W. Davenport, L. Goodwin, N. Ivanova, N. C. Krypides, K. Mavromatis, T. Woyke, and K. DeAngelis. 2015. Genome sequence and description of the anaerobic lignin-degrading bacterium Tolumonas lignolyticus sp. nov. Standards in Genomic Science 10(1) (DOI:10.1186/s40793-015-0100-3)

C. L. Hemme, Q. Tu, .Z. Shi, Y. Qin, W. Gao, Y. Deng, J. D. Van Nostrand, L. Wu, Z. He, P. S. G. Chain, S. Tringe, M. W. Fields, E. M. Rubin, J. M. Tiedje, T. C. Hazen, A. P. Arkin, and J. Zhou. 2015. Comparative metagenomics reveals impact of contaminants on groundwater microbial communities. Frontiers in Microbiology 6:1205 (DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.01205)

J. Sitte, S. Löffler, E. M. Burkhardt, K. Goldfarb, G. Büchel, T. C. Hazen, and K. Küsel. 2015. Microbial community changes along a flow path of heavy metals and radionuclides in a former uranium-mining site. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 22:19326–19341 (DOI: 10.1007/s11356-015-4791-1)

10/2015—ISSE Director Terry Hazen gave the keynote presentation, “Microbial Community Structure Predicts Groundwater Geochemistry,” at Purdue University’s conference titled Critical Zone Science, Sustainability, and Services in a Changing World, held October 22-24, 2015 in Lafayette, Indiana.

03/2015—Dr. Jack Parker made a presentation at the REMTEC conference in Denver, Colorado on March 3 titled “An Integrated Approach to Multi-Strategy DNAPL Remediation Considering Uncertainty Using Stochastic Cost Optimization.”

01/2015—Dr. Bruce Tschantz (with ISSE’s TNWRRC) was invited to Washington, D.C. by Homeland Security and FEMA to present a historical perspective on the development of the 1979 Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety to the Joint Meeting of the Interagency Committee on Dam Safety (ICODS) and the National Dam Safety Review Board (NDSRB) held January 21, 2015. Tschantz, who coordinated federal and nonfederal dam safety policy and program efforts for the Carter Administration from 1977-80 following the 1976 failure of Teton Dam, challenged the federal agencies to consider several contemporary dam safety issues, including hydrofracturing effects, cyber terrorism/hacking, public safety around dams, coal combustion residual (CCR) impoundments, and risk-informed decision making (RIDM), as the Joint Committee begins to update the Guidelines that President Carter, in October 1979, directed 22 federal agencies to adopt and implement.

Bruce A. Tschantz. 2014. What We Know (and Don’t Know) about Low-Head Dams. Journal of Dam Safety, Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO) 12, 4: 37-45.

Wen-Juan Shi, Fu-Min Menn, Ting-Ting Xu, Zibo T. Zhuang, Clara Beasley, Steven A. Ripp, Jie Zhuang, Alice C. Layton, Gary S. Sayler. 2014. C60 reduces the bioavailability of mercury in aqueous solutions. Chemosphere 95: 324-328 (doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2013.09.027).

Scott Curran, Kathye Settles (ORNL), and Kristy Keel-Blackmon (East Tennessee Clean Fuels Coalition). 2013. ORNL Operations Best Practices Guide: Idle Reduction. Oak Ridge National Laboratory Sustainable Campus Initiative, ORNL/LTR-2013/102.

Tai-Long Guo, Quan-Jiu Wang, Ding-Qiang Li, Jie Zhuang, Lao-Sheng Wu. 2013. Flow hydraulic characteristic effect on sediment and solute transport on slope erosion. Catena 107: 145-153 (doi:10.1016/j.catena.2013.03.001).

Mary English. 2013. Should the Federal Government Sell TVA?

Rachel J.C. Chen. 2013. How Can Stores Sustain Their Businesses? From Shopping Behaviors and Motivations to Environment Preferences. Sustainability 5(2): 617-628 (doi: 10.3390/su5020617)

Yan-Fen Yang, Quan-Jiu Wang, and Jie Zhuang. 2013. Estimating hydraulic parameters of stony soils on the basis of one-dimensional water absorption properties. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B – Soil and Plant Science (doi: 10.1080/09064710.2012.762424)

Tai-Long Guo, Quan-Jiu Wang, Wen-Juan Bai, and Jie Zhuang. 2013. Effect of land use on scouring flow hydraulics and transport of soil solute in erosion. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 18(4): 465-473 (doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-1584.0000611)

ISSE Researcher John Sheffield’s memoir, Fun in Fusion Research, has been published by Elsevier. This book discusses the fun side of the quest to develop fusion energy—a modern equivalent of the hunt for the Holy Grail. It can be found on Amazon.

Guoping Tang, David Watson, Wei-Min Wu, Christopher Schadt, Jack Parker, and Scott Brooks. In Press. U(VI) Bioreduction with Emulsified Vegetable Oil as the Electron donor ? Model Application to a Field Test. Environmental Science & Technology.

Guoping Tang, Wei-Min Wu, David Watson, Jack Parker, Christopher Schadt, Xiaoqing Shi, and Scott Brooks. In Press. U(VI) Bioreduction with Emulsified Vegetable Oil as the Electron Donor ? Microcosm Tests and Model Development. Environmental Science & Technology.

Y. Gao, J. Fu, J. B. Drake, Y. Liu, and J-F Lamarque. 2012. Projected changes of extreme weather events in the eastern United States based on a high resolution climate modeling system. Environmental Research Letters7(4). Online publication accessed December 17, 2012.

T.S. Sullivan, N.R. Gottel, N. Basta, P.M. Jardine, and C.W. Schadt. 2012. Firing range soils yield a diverse array of fungal isolates capable of Pb-mineral solubilization. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78:6078-6086 (doi:10.1128/AEM.01091-12).

M.A. Mayes, K. Heal, K., C.C. Brandt, J.R. Phillips, and P.M. Jardine. 2012. Relation between soil order and sorptive capacity for dissolved organic carbon. Soil Science Society of America Journal 76:1027-1031.

J. Parker, U. Kim, P. Kitanidis, M. Cardiff, X. Liu, and G. Beyke. 2012. Stochastic Cost Optimization of DNAPL Site Remediation: Method Description and Sensitivity Studies. Environmental Modeling and Software 38:74-88 (DOI:10.1016/j.envsoft.2012.05.002).

U. Kim, J. Parker, P. Kitanidis, M. Cardiff, X. Liu, and J. Gillie. 2012. Stochastic Cost Optimization of DNAPL Site Remediation: Field Application. Environmental Modeling and Software (DOI:10.1016/j.envsoft.2012.05.003).

J. Yoo, U. Kim, and T-W. Kim. 2012. Bivariate Drought Frequency Curves and Confidence Intervals: A Case Study Using Monthly Rainfall Generation. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (DOI: 10.1007/s00477-012-0588-7).

J. Lee, X. Liu, P. K. Kitanidis, U. Kim, J. Parker, A. Bloom, and R. Lyon. 2012. Cost optimization of DNAPL Remediation at Dover Air Force Base Site. Ground Water Remediation and Monitoring (DOI: 10.1111/j17456592.2011.01382.x).

X. Liu, J. Lee, P. K. Kitanidis, J. Parker, and U. Kim. 2012. Value of Information as a context-specific measure of uncertainty in groundwater remediation. Water Resources Management 26(6): 1513-1535 (DOI: 10.1007/s11269-011-9970-3).

Peter S. Knappett, Larry D. McKay, Alice Layton, Daniel E. Williams, Md. J. Alam, Md. R. Huq, Jacob Mey, John E. Feighery, Patricia J. Culligan, Brain J. Mailloux, Jie Zhuang, Veronica Escamilla, Michael Emch, Edmund Perfect, Gary S. Sayler, Kazi M. Ahmed, and Alexander van Geen. 2012. Implications of fecal bacteria input from latrine-polluted ponds for wells in sandy aquifers. Environmental Science and Technology 46(3): 1361-1370 (doi:10.1021/es202773w).

E. Tipping, P.Chamberlain, M. Fröberg, P.J. Hanson, P.M. Jardine. 2012. Simulation of carbon cycling, including dissolved organic carbon transport, in a forest soil locally enriched with 14C. Biogeochemistry 108:91-107.

Yuan-Shun Dai, Seung Hyun Baek, Alberto Garcia-Diaz, Bai Yang, Kwok-Leung Tsui, Jie Zhuang. 2011. An enhanced engineering perspective of global climate systems and statistical formulation of terrestrial CO2 exchanges. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 107(3-4): 347-359 (doi:10.1007/s00704-011-0471-3).

Jie Zhuang and Randall W. Gentry. 2011. Environmental application and risks of nanotechnology: A balanced view. In S. Ripp and T. B. Henry (ed.) Biotechnology and Nanotechnology Risk Assessment: Minding and Managing the Potential Threats around Us. American Chemical Society: Washington, DC: 41-67 (doi: 10.1021/bk-2011-1079.ch003).

M. O. Barnett, D.W. Kilgour, O.K. Hartzog, J. Zhuang, Y. Wang, and P.M. Jardine. 2011. Formation of chloropyromorphite during the physiologically based extraction test: An experimental artifact? Environmental Engineering Science 28: 719-724.

R.J.C. Chen. 2011. Effects of Climate Change in North America: An Overview. Journal of Sustainable Development 4(3): 32-50.

R.J.C. Chen. 2011. Review of “Green to Gold: How Smart Companies Use Environmental Strategy to Innovate, Create Value, and Build Competitive Advantage.” Journal of Sustainable Tourism 19(6): 789-792.

L. Jetter and R.J.C. Chen. 2011. Destination Branding and Images: Perceptions and Practices from Tourism Industry Professionals. International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration 12(2): 174-187.

R.J.C. Chen. 2011. The Facts of the Weather Extreme Events in the United States: Is There a Trend? Journal of Sustainable Development 4(4): 14-21.

P.M. Jardine, T.L. Mehlhorn, W.B. Bailey, S.C. Brooks, S. Fendorf, R.W. Gentry, T.J. Phelps, and J.E. Saiers. 2011. Geochemical Processes Governing the Fate and Transport of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) in Soils. Vadose Zone Journal 10: 1058-1070.

Thomas Gihring, Thomas M., Gengxin Zhang, Craig C. Brandt, Scott C. Brooks, James H. Campbell1, Susan Carroll, Craig S. Criddle, Stefan J. Green, Phil Jardine, Joel E. Kostka, Kenneth Lowe, Tonia L. Mehlhorn, Will Overholt, David B. Watson, Zamin Yang, Wei-Min Wu, and Christopher W. Schadt. 2011. A limited microbial consortium is responsible for longer-term bioreduction of uranium in a contaminated aquifer. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. doi:10.1128/AEM.00220-11.

F. Zhang, W.S. Luo, J.C. Parker, S.C. Brooks, D.B. Watson, P.M. Jardine, and B.H.Gu. 2011. Modeling uranium transport in acidic contaminated groundwater with base addition. J. Hazardous Materials 190: 863-868. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2011.04.022.

Bruce Tonn, Tim Ezzell, and Eric Ogle. 2011. Experimental Learning and Economic Development in Appalachian Communities, Journal of Appalachian Studies 16 ( Nos. 1 & 2), Spring/Fall 2010.

Joy Van Nostrand, Liyou Wu, Wei-Min Wu, Ye Deng, Jack Carley, Sue Carroll, Zhili He, Baohua Gu, Jian Luo, Craig S. Criddle, David B. Watson, Philip M. Jardine, Terence L. Marsh, James M. Tiedje, Terry C. Hazen, Jizhong Zhou. 2011. Dynamics of Microbial Community Composition and Function during In Situ Bioremediation of a Uranium-Contaminated Aquifer. Applied Environmental Microbiology 77: 3860-3869.

Robert H. Socolow and Mary English. “Living Ethically in a Greenhouse” in The Ethics of Climate Change. Edited by Denis Arnold (Cambridge University Press, May 2011).

Mi Zhang, Gui-Rui Yu, Jie Zhuang, Randall W. Gentry, Yu-Ling Fu, Xiao-Min Sun, Lei-Ming Zhang, Xue-Fa Wen, Qiu-Feng Wang, Shi-Jie Han, Jun-Hua Yan, Yi-Ping Zhang, Yan-Fen Wang, Ying-Nian Li . 2011. Effects of cloudiness change on net ecosystem exchange, light use efficiency, and water use efficiency in typical ecosystems of China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151(7): 803-816 (doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2011.01.011).

Bruce A. Tschantz and Kenneth R. Wright. 2011. Hidden Dangers and Public Safety at Low-head Dams. Journal of Dam Safety 9(1): 8-17.

Hongbo He, Wei Zhang, Xudong Zhang, Hongtu Xie, Jie Zhuang. 2011. Temporal responses of soil microorganisms to substrate addition as indicated by amino sugar differentiation. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 43: 1155-1161.

S.R. Koirala, R.W. Gentry, P.J. Mulholland, E. Perfect, J.S. Schwartz, and G.S. Sayler. 2011. Persistence of hydrologic and reactive water chemistry data in an East Tennessee watershed. Journal of Hydrology 401: 221-230 (doi. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.02.022).

Gong, R., C. Lu, W.-M. Wu, H. Cheng, B.H. Gu, D. Watson, P.M. Jardine, S.C. Brooka, C.S. Criddle, P.K. Kitanidis, and J. Luo. 2011. “Estimating reaction rate coefficients within travel-time modeling framework.” Ground Water 49:209-218.

Garten, C.T. Jr., D.J. Brice, H.F. Castro, R.L. Graham, C.A. Gunderson, R.C. Izaurralde, P.M. Jardine, J.D. Jastrow, M.K. Kerley, R. Matamala, M.A. Mayes, F.B. Metting, R.M. Miller, K. Moran, W.M. Post III, R.D. Sands, C.W. Schadt, J.L. Smith, J.C. Tarver, A.M. Thomson, D.D. Tyler, T. Vugteveen, T.O. West, and S.D. Wullshleger. 2011. Response of Alamo switchgrass tissue chemistry and biomass to nitrogen fertilization in west Tennessee, USA. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 140: 289-297.

J. C. Parker, U. Kim, M. Widdowson, P. Kitanidis, and R. Gentry. 2010. Effects of model formulation and calibration data on uncertainty in dense nonaqueous phase liquids source dissolution predictions. Water Resources Research 46 (W12517, doi:10.1029/2010WR009361).

E. Cardenas, W.-M. Wu, M. B. Leigh, J. Carley, S. Carroll, T. Gentry, J. Luo, D. Watson, B. Gu, M. Ginder-Vogel, P.K. Kitanidis, P.M. Jardine, J. Zhou, C.S. Criddle, T.L. Marsh, and J. M. Tiedje. 2011. Significant association between sulfate-reducing bacteria and uranium-reducing microbial communities as revealed by a combined massively parallel sequencing-indicator species approach. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 76: 6778-6786.

A. Al-Juaidy, U. Kim, and J. J. Kaluarachchi. 2011. Decision analysis to minimize agricultural groundwater demand and salt water intrusion using treated wastewater. GQ10: Groundwater Management in a Rapidly Changing World (No. 342-70-WE-31, Publication 342, ISBN 978-1-907161-16-2).

G. Tang, M.A. Mayes, J.C. Parker, and P.M. Jardine. 2010. CXTFIT/Excel – A modular adaptable code for parameter estimation, sensitivity analysis and uncertainty analysis. Computers & Geosciences 36: 1200-1209.

Xiaorong Wei, Minan Shao, Jie Zhuang, and Robert Horton. 2010. Soil iron fractionation and availability at selected landscape positions in a loessial gully region of northwestern China. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 56(4): 617-626 (doi:10.1111/j.1747-0765.2010.00497.x).

G. Tang, E. F. D’Azevedo, F. Zhang, J. C. Parker, D. B. Watson and P. M. Jardine. 2010. Application of a hybrid MPI/OpenMP approach for parallel groundwater model calibration on multi-core computers. Computers and Geosciences 36: 1451-1460.

Dustin Froula (LLE, U. Rochester), Siegfried Glenzer (LLNL), Neville Luhmann, Jr (UC-Davis), and John Sheffield (ISSE, U.Tennessee-Knoxville). October, 2010. Plasma Scattering of Electromagnetic Radiation, 2nd Edition: Theory and Measurement Techniques. Elsevier Academic Press.

Jie Zhuang, Randall Gentry, Gui-Rui Yu, Gary Sayler, and John Bickham. 2010. Bioenergy sustainability in China: Potential and impacts. Environmental Management 46(4): 525-530 (doi:10.1007/s00267-010-9555-6).

Randall Gentry, Gary Sayler, Jie Zhuang. 2010. Towards sustainable cellulosic bioenergy. Journal of Resources and Ecology 1(2): 117-122 (doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-764x.2010.02.003).

F. Zhang, Wu, W.-M., J. C. Parker, S. C. Brooks, D. B. Watson, P.M. Jardine. 2010. Kinetic analysis and modeling of U(VI) reduction with oleate and ethanol as electron donor source. Journal of Hazardous Materials 183:482-489.

Mary English and Roy Arthur. 2010. Statewide Water Resources Planning: A Nine State Study. Prepared for the Tennessee Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations.

J. Parker, U. Kim, M. Widdowson, P. Kitanidis, and R. Gentry. 2010. Effects of model formulation and calibration data on uncertainty in predictions of DNAPL source dissolution rate. Water Resources Research. Accepted and in press.

J. Parker, U. Kim, P. K. Kitanidis, M. Cardiff, and X. Liu. 2010. Stochastic cost optimization of multi-strategy DNAPL site remediation. Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation 30(3): 65-78 (DOI: 10.1111/j17456592.2010.001287.x).

Guirui Yu, Zemei Zheng, Qiufeng Wang, Yuling Fu, Jie Zhuang, Xiaomin Sun, and Yuesi Wang. 2010. Spatiotemporal Pattern of Soil Respiration of Terrestrial Ecosystems in China: The Development of a Geostatistical Model and Its Simulation. Environmental Science Technology 44(16): 60746080 (DOI: 10.1021/es100979s)

Tailong Guo, Quanjiu Wang, Dingqiang Li, and Jie Zhuang. 2010. Effect of Surface Stone Cover on Sediment and Solute Transport on the Slope of Fallow Land in the Semi-arid Loess Region of Northwestern China. Journal of Soils and Sediments 10: 1200-1208 (DOI: 10.1007/s11368-010-0257-8).

Jordan F. Suter, Kathleen Segerson, Christian A. Vossler, and Gregory L. Poe. 2010. Voluntary-Threat Approaches to Reduce Ambient Water Pollution. American Journal of Agricultural Economics (June 10).

Paul J. Ferraro and Christian A. Vossler. 2010. The Source and Significance of Confusion in Public Goods Experiments. BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 10 (1): article 53.

A. E. Al-Juaidi, J. J. Kaluarachchi, and U. Kim. 2010. Multi-criteria decision analysis of treated wastewater use for agriculture in water deficit regions. Journal of American Water Resources Association 46(2): 395-411 (DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2009.00409.x, April).

M. Cardiff, X. Liu, P. K. Kitanidis, J. Parker, and U. Kim. 2010. Cost Optimization of DNAPL source and plume remediation under uncertainty using a semi-analytic model. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 113(1-4): 25-43 (DOI:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2009.11.004, April).

Theodore M. Besmann. 2010. Projections of US GHG reductions from nuclear power new capacity based on historic levels of investment. Energy Policy 38: 2431-2437 (doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2009.12.036). [Note: ISSE provided the funding for this project.]

Shesh R. Koirala, Randall W. Gentry, Patrick J. Mulholland, Edmund Perfect, John S. Schwartz. 2010. Time and frequency domain analyses of high-frequency hydrologic and chloride data in an east Tennessee watershed. Journal of Hydrology 387: 256-264.

Larry McKay. 2010. Concentrations of viruses and bacteria linked to human feces found in community water sources in East Tennessee. Published online at Medical News Today and MediLexicon.

Kent Messer, Gregory L. Poe, Daniel Rondeau, William D. Schulze, and Christian A. Vossler. 2010. Social Preferences and Voting: An Exploration Using a New Preference Revealing Mechanism. Journal of Public Economics 94(3-4): 308-317.

Jack Parker, Ungtae Kim, P. K. Kitanidis, M. Cardiff, and X. Liu. 2010. Stochastic cost optimization of multi-strategy DNAPL site remediation. Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation(June 28).

Neal Stewart, Lee Shugart, Gong-she Liu, Jie Zhuang, Yong-qing Ma, Gerald A. Tuskan, Richard Meilan, Randall W. Gentry, and Gary S. Sayler. 2010. China-US workshop on biotechnology of bioenergy plants. Ecotoxicology 19: 1-3 (doi:10.1007/s10646-009-0448-5)

Jie Zhuang, Nadine Goeppert, Ching Tu, John F McCarthy, Edmund Perfect, and Larry D. McKay. 2010. Colloid transport with wetting fronts: Interactive effects of solution surface tension and ionic strength. Water Research 44: 1270-1278 (doi:10.1016/j.watres.2009.12.012).

Bell, A., A. Layton, L. D. McKay, D. Williams, R. W. Gentry, and G. S. Sayler. 2009. Factors Influencing the Persistence of Fecal Bacteroides in Stream Water, Journal of Environmental Quality 38 (doi:10.2134/jeq2008.0258).

DeBruyn, Jennifer M., Thomas J. Mead, Steven W. Wilhelm, and Gary S. Sayler. 2009. PAH Biodegradative Genotypes in Lake Erie Sediments: Evidence for Broad Geographical Distribution of Pyrene-Degrading Mycobacteria. Environmental Science & Technology 43(10): 3467-3473.

Debruyn, Jennifer and Gary Sayler. 2009. Microbial Community Structure and Biodegradation Activity of Particle-Associated Bacteria in a Coal Tar Contaminated Creek. Environmental Science and Technology, March 27, 2009 (Web) (doi: 10.1021/es803373y).

Franklin, S. B., J. A. Kupfer, S. R. Pezeshki, R. W. Gentry, and R. D. Smith. 2009. Complex effects of channelization and levee construction on western Tennessee floodplain forest function. Wetlands 29(2): 451-464.

Franklin, S.B., J.A. Kupfer, S. R. Pezeshki, R. W. Gentry, and R. D. Smith. 2009. Efficacy of the Hydrogeomorphic Model (HGM): A Case Study from Western Tennessee. Ecological Indicators 9(2): 267-283 (doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2008.05.004).

Kim, Ungtae and J. J. Kaluarachchi. 2009. Hydrologic Model Calibration Using Discontinuous Data: An Example From the Upper Blue Nile River Basin of Ethiopia. Hydrological Processes 23(26): 3705-3717. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7465 (link:

Kim, Ungtae and J. J. Kaluarachchi. 2009. Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources in the Upper Blue Nile River Basin, Ethiopia. Journal of American Water Resources Association 46(6): 1361-1378. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2009.00370.x (link:

Mayes, M. A., G. Tang, P. M. Jardine, L. D. McKay, X. L. Yin, M. N. Pace, J. C. Parker, F. Zhang, T. L. Melhorn, and R. Dansby-Sparks. 2009. Influence of sedimentary bedding on reactive transport parameters under unsaturated conditions. Soil Science of America Journal 73: 1938-1946.

Peretz, Jean, Sujit Das, and Bruce E. Tonn. 2009 August. Evaluating knowledge benefits of automotive lightweighting materials R&D projects. Evaluation and Program Planning 32(3): 300-309.

Tang, G., M. A. Mayes, J. C. Parker, X. L. Yin, D. B. Watson, and P. M. Jardine. 2009. Improving parameter estimation for column experiments by multi-model evaluation and comparison. Journal of Hydrology 376: 567-578. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.07.063.

Tonn, Bruce, K.C. Healy, Amy Gibson, Ashutosh Ashish, Preston Cody, Drew Beres, Sam Lulla , Jim Mazur, and A.J. Ritter. 2009. Power from Perspective: Potential future United States energy portfolios, Energy Policy 37, 1432-1443.

Tran, Liem T. and Thomas E. Burley. 2009. An Analysis of Spatiotemporal Variations of Water Quality in the Little River and the Harpeth River Watersheds and their Connection with Land-Cover Patterns. ISSE Working Paper 2009-01.

Zhao, Peipei, Mingan Shao, and Jie Zhuang. 2009. Fractal features of particle size redistributions of deposited soils on the dam farmland. Soil Science 174(7): 403-407 (doi:10.1097/ss.0b013e3181aea79a).

Zhang, F. and J. C. Parker. 2009. An efficient modeling approach to simulate heat and mass transfer between fracture and matrix regions for oil shale retorting. Transport in Porous Media (published online November 13, 2009).

Zhuang, Jie, John S. Tyner, and Edmund Perfect. 2009. Colloid transport and remobilization in unsaturated porous media during transient flow. Journal of Hydrology 377:112-119 (doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.08.011).

Das, Sujit, Bruce E. Tonn, and Jean H. Peretz. 2008. Application of economic evaluation techniques to automotive lightweighting materials research and development projects. Research Evaluation 17(2): 133-148 (doi 10.3152/095820208X287153).

Ivey, S. S., R. W. Gentry, D. Larsen, and J. L. Anderson. 2008. Case Study of the Sheahan Wellfield Using 3-H/3-He Field Data to Determine Localized Leakage Areas. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 13(11): 1011-1020.

Ivey, S. S., R. W. Gentry, D. Larsen, and J. L. Anderson. 2008. Inverse Application of Age-distribution Modeling using Environmental Tracers 3-H/3-He. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 13(11): 1002-1010.

Kenst, Andrew B., Edmund Perfect, Steven W. Wilhelm, Jie Zhuang, John F. McCarthy, and Larry D. McKay. 2008. Virus transport during infiltration of a wetting front into initially unsaturated sand columns. Environmental Science and Technology 42(4): 1102-1108.

Kim, Ungtae et al. 2008. Generation of Monthly Precipitation Under Climate Change for the Upper Blue Nile River Basin, Ethiopia. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 44(5): 1231-1247. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2008.00220.x)

Kim, Ungtae, J. J. Kaluarachchi, and V. U. Smakhtin. 2008. Climate Change Impacts on Hydrology and Water Resources of the Upper Blue Nile River Basin, Ethiopia. Colombo. Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI) Research Report 126. 27 p. ISBN 978-92-9090-696-4.

Kim, Ungtae et al. 2008. Application of parameter estimation and regionalization methodologies to ungauged basins of the Upper Blue Nile River Basin, Ethiopia. Journal of Hydrology 362(1-2): 39-56.

Koirala, S. R., E. Perfect, R. W. Gentry, and J. Kim. 2008. Effective saturated hydraulic conductivity of two-dimensional random multifractal fields, Water Resources Research 44 (W08410, doi:10.1029/2007WR006199).

Koirala, S.R., R. W. Gentry, E. Perfect, J. Schwartz, and Sayler, G.S. 2008. Temporal variation and persistence of bacteria in streams. Journal of Environmental Quality 37: 1559-1566.

Knappett, Peter S., Monica B. Emelko, Jie Zhuang, and Larry D. McKay. 2008. Transport and retention of a bacteriophage and microspheres in saturated, angular porous media: Effects of ionic strength and grain size. Water Research, 42(16), 4368-4378.

McCarthy, John F., Jan Ilavsky, Julie D. Jastrow, Lawrence M. Mayer, Edmunm Perfect, and Jie Zhuang. 2008. Protection of organic carbon in soil microaggregates via restructuring of aggregate porosity and filling of pores with accumulating organic matter. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72, 4725-4744, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2008.06.015.

Sanseverino, J, M. Eldridge, A. Layton, J. Yarbrough, J. Easter, T.W. Schultz, and G.S. Sayler. 2008. Screening of potentially hormonally active chemicals using bioluminescent yeast bioreporters. Toxicological Sciences (published online Nov. 7, 2008, doi: 10.1093/toxsci/kfn229).

Shang, Jianying, Markus Flury, Gang Chen, and Jie Zhuang. 2008. Impact of flow rate, water content, and capillary forces on in situ colloid mobilization during infiltration in unsaturated sediments. Water Resources Research, 44, W06411; doi:10.1029/2007WR006516.

Suter, Jordan F., Christian A. Vossler and Gregory L. Poe. 2008. Experiments on Damage-Based Ambient Taxes for Nonpoint Source Polluters. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 90(1):86-102.

Tonn, Bruce E., et al. 2008. “The Next Big Thing in Environmental Protection.” ISSE Working Paper 2008-01.

Tonn, Bruce E. and Jean Peretz. 2008. “Barriers to Reducing Energy Consumption at Home and on the Road.” ISSE Working Paper 2008-02.

Zhuang, Jie, John F. McCarthy, Edmund Perfect, Lawrence M. Mayer, and Julie D. Jastrow. 2008 (January/February). Soil Water Hysteresis in Water-Stable Microaggregates as Affected by Organic Matter. Soil Science Society of America Journal 72(1): 212-220.

Zhuang, Jie and Yan Jin. 2008. Interactions between virus and goethite during saturated flow: effects of solution pH, carbonate, and phosphate. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 98(1-2), 15-21; DOI: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2008.02.002.

English, Mary (with Fred Wegmann, UT Civil Engineering; Jerry Everett, UT Center for Transportation Research; Shih-Lung Shaw and Yibin Zhao, UT Geography Department). 2007. Environmental Justice in Transportation Planning and Projects: A Desk Guide for Tennessee (ISSE Report 2007-02). This report was prepared as part of a project conducted for the Tennessee Department of Transportation. The other major part of the project was a GIS-based demographic screening tool developed by Shaw and Zhao.

English, Mary. 2007. The Resource Team in a Context Sensitive Solutions Process (ISSE Report 2007-01). This report is a “lessons learned” report based on observations of two CSS processes conducted for the Tennessee Department of Transportation.

Ezzell, Tim and Eric Ogle. 2007. Destination Madisonville: A Community-Driven Downtown Revitalization Plan. Download and read the PDF file with the Appendix or without the Appendix. The report was prepared by the Community Partnership Center and the University of Tennessee’s Planning Program (Ed Jepson, Consulting Faculty).

Gentry, R.W., A. Layton, L. McKay, J. McCarthy, D. Williams, S. R. Koirala, and G. S. Sayler. 2007. Efficacy of Bacteroides for Reducing the Statistical Uncertainty Associated with Hydrologic Flow and Fecal Loads in a Mixed Use Watershed, Journal of Environmental Quality 36: 1324-1330.

Peine, John. 2007. “Social Considerations of Species Conservation,” Conservation of Rare and Little Known Species: Biological, Social and Economic Considerations, M. Raphael and R. Molina, Eds., Island Press (forthcoming November). Peine also co-authored two additional chapters for the book, “Conservation Goals and Objectives” and “A Process for Selection and Implementation of Conservation Approaches.”

Tonn, Bruce E. and Jean H. Peretz. 2007. “State-Level Benefits of Energy Efficiency.” Energy Policy 35: 3665-3674.

Yu, Gui-Rui, Jie Zhuang, Keiichi Nakayama, and Yan Jin. 2007. Root water uptake and profile soil water as affected by vertical root distribution. Plant Ecology 189(1): 15-30.

Zhuang, Jie, John F. McCarthy, Edmund Perfect, John Tyner, Markus Flury, Tammo Steenhuis. 2007. In-situ colloid mobilization in Hanford sediments under unsaturated transient flow condition: Effect of irrigation pattern. Environmental Science and Technology, 41(9), 3199-3204; doi: 10.1021/es062757h.

Barkenbus, Jack, R. Jamey Menard, Burton C. English, and Kim L. Jensen. 2006. Resource and Employment Impact of a Renewable Portfolio Standard in the Tennessee Valley Authority Region (ISSE Report No. 2006-01). This report calculates the amount and nature of renewable energy production in the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) region associated with Congressional passage of a renewable portfolio standard (RPS) and examines the employment consequences derived from this initiative.

Davis, Kimberly L. and Robert Emmett Jones. 2006. Understanding Public Opinion and Support for the Maintenance and Protection of Trees in Knox County, Tennessee: A Mail Survey of Area Homeowners (ISSE Report 2006-02). This is a two-year study of attitudes of Knox County homeowners about the protection and maintenance of the local urban forest.

Das, Sujit, Jean Peretz, and Bruce Tonn. 2006. Automotive Lightweighting Materials Benefit Evaluation. The report was produced by Oak Ridge National Laboratory as ORNL/TM-2006/545