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Sample REU Research Projects

These projects are examples of the types of research REU participants will take part in:

Active Controls to Enhance Bioretention Function
Linking Plant Die-Off to GI Design Characteristics
Quantifying greenhouse gas emissions from bioretention: A case study from UTK’s campus
Modeling the influence of future climate projections on GI hydrology and water quality performance
Characterizing microbial community structure in bioretention cells in Nashville, TN
Urban riparian corridor contributions to stream stability: A case study on Second Creek in Knoxville, TN
Alternative filter media for GI in Tennessee: Finding an alternative for sand in locations where it is not a native material
Quantifying and increasing biodiversity in green infrastructure through design modifications and specifications
Economic and environmental analysis of a stormwater trading program in Chattanooga, TN
Community perceptions of green infrastructure and implications for plant selection and engineering design: The social implications of recent GI investments on UTK campus

Questions? Contact

Dr. Jon Hathaway 
[email protected]