The ISSE research portfolio encompasses nine distinct areas, listed below. Within these areas, ISSE is pursuing significant projects and collaborations: Through ISSE, UT is developing a U.S. – Japan Exchange program, Green Growth Collaboration through Clean Energy Technologies (EXCET); the DOE Office of Vehicle Technologies has awarded East TN Clean Fuels a new $1.67M grant to expand the reach of Drive Electric USA; EPA has awarded TN Water Resources Research Center $1M to help communities address wastewater challenges; and the Wellcome Foundation has funded ISSE’s Community Co-design-based Weatherization and Micro-grid Plan for Equitable Energy Security and Environmental Health.
Current portfolio:
- Clean Energy & Energy Efficiency
- East Tennessee Clean Fuels Coalition
- EV Charging (DOE, TDOT, TVA)
- Manufacturing Energy Efficiency
- East Tennessee Initiative for Smart Energy Management (ETISE) (DOE)
- U.S.-Japan Exchange Program for Green Growth Collaboration through Clean Energy Technologies (EXCET) funded by US Embassy in Tokyo
- Climate Change
- ORNL collaboration and NSF-sponsored research
- Projects funded by USGS
- Building Environments
- Building energy and health
- Regional Sustainability
- Appalachian Leadership Institute
- NSF SRS Planning Grant
- Water Research & Training
- TN Water Resources Research Center (an EPA and USGC Center)
- Water Technical Assistance program
- Green infrastructure
- Sustainable Food Systems
- UTIA Collaboration
- Food Supply Chain project (NSF)
- Food Loss and Food Waste Project (DOE/ORNL)
- Various funded projects (ORNL)
- UTIA Collaboration
- Energy & Environmental Justice
- Smart Manufacturing
- Improving Mobility of People and Goods
ISSE Sponsors