In October 2019, the Appalachian Leadership Institute kicked off with its inaugural class of forty fellows representing thirteen Appalachian states. Through ISSE, UTK conducts the program in cooperation with the sponsor, the Appalachian Regional Commission, Tuskegee University, and Collective Impact, LLC, a consulting firm from Huntington, WV. Fellows are given access to detailed regional information and courses for skills development in economic opportunities, workforce development, and leveraging natural and cultural assets. Each class of the Appalachian Leadership Institute includes at least two Fellows from every state in the Appalachian Regional Commission footprint and will draw from a variety of public and private industry sectors. Find out how to apply to be a Fellow here.

EastTNCleanFuels (ETCF) helps fleets to navigate alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technologies with information and connections needed to reduce costs and emissions with alternative fuels. It is a nonprofit and a designated participant in U.S. DOE’s Clean Cities Program. We are bottom-line focused and can help you review the ROI for different alternative fuel technologies. We can guide you through the process and help you build lasting partnerships. ETCF has decades of experience and the passion to make good things happen for your fleet. No matter if you’re just beginning to explore the world of alternative fuels, or are ready to hit the accelerator, we’re here to help and happy to be your guide.

DriveElectricTN (DET) promotes the adoption of electric vehicles for fleets and individuals across Tennessee with a goal of getting 200,000 EVs on TN’s roads by 2028. An autonomous program of TNCleanFuels, DriveElectricTN is supported by 60+ stakeholders from across Tennessee and the US. DET showcases EV Awareness, EV Policies & Program, and EV Infrastructure for electric vehicles in our state. Throughout the year, DET hosts several Electric Vehicle Ride & Drive events as well as webinars with Advice from the Experts, Train the Trainer, and Driving EV Leadership. See DET’s calendar of events and information on how to get involved on their website.