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3rd Annual ISSE Research Conference

Monday, September 16, 2024 • UT Conference Center Fourth Floor

Registration –


7:40 – 8:45Networking Breakfast and Poster Set Upall attendees
8:45 – 8:55Opening RemarksMatthew Mench, Dean of Tickle College of Engineering
8:55 – 9:05Overview of Research ProgramsMingzhou Jin, Director, ISSE
9:05 – 9:50ISSE Research Showcase
Water Center ActivityJohn Schwartz, TNWRRC Director
Progress in Alternative-Fuel and Electric Vehicle AdoptionJonathan Overly, Director, East TN Clean Fuels Coalitions
09:35~10:15Seed Project ShowcaseSeed Grant PIs
Underground Hydrogen StorageAnna Herring, CEE
Aviation Fuels from Black Soldier Fly Toni Wang, Food Science UTIA
Integration of Hydrogen and Grids

Kai Sun, EECS
Particle emission during battery thermal runaway and firesPeng Zhao, MABE
EV Charging Infrastructure for Environmental and Social Justice

Leon Tolbert, EECS

Decarbonization of nitrogen fertilizer for agricultureXiaofei Ye, BESS UTIA
Innovative tandem system for micro-nano-plastics and PFAS removalAnming Hu, MABE
Environmental Justice: Socio-Economic Dimensions of Urban Stream HealthEminé Fidan. BESS UTIA
10:15~11:05Student Poster Session
11:05~12:00Keynote Presentations
Tennessee Volunteer Emission Reduction StrategyRachael Maitland, Senior Policy Analyst, TDEC Office of Policy and Planning
John LeCroy, Deputy Director, TDEC Division of Stakeholder Engagement
Design for Sustainability: Circular Bioeconomy Systems at UT and ORNLErin Webb, Group Leader, ORNL-Bioresource Science & Engineering; Laboratory Relationship Manager, DOE-BETO
An Overview of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation’s Office of Energy Program (TDEC OEP)Molly Cripps, Director, TDEC Office of Energy Programs (OEP)
12:04 – 12:10 Poster Award AnnouncementMingzhou Jin, ISSE Director
12:10 – 12:15 Closing Remarks with Outstanding ISSE Staff Award AnnouncementBill Dunne, Associate Dean, Tickle College of Engineering
12:15 – 1:30 Lunch
1:30 – 3:30Advisory Board Meeting